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Map Layer Info

Causes of Forest Fragmentation in the United States

What this map layer shows:

Forest connectivity and whether fragmentation is from human or natural causes.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home pageopens the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency home page
Background Information
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The Land Cover Characterization Program collects National Land Cover Data (NLCD), which is used to assess ecosystem status and health, model nutrient and pesticide runoff, understand spatial patterns of biodiversity, and develop land use plans and land management policy. The Causes of Forest Fragmentation map layers were derived from NLCD by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). These map layers are grid maps of the conterminous United States, showing both forest connectivity and whether fragmentation is from human or natural causes. The layers are the first to identify sources of forest fragmentation, and may be useful for decision makers in identifying forest areas for protection or restoration.

The National Atlas offers three map layers showing causes of forest fragmentation in the lower 48 States of the United States, at resolutions of 1 kilometer, 540 meters, and 270 meters. The data are presented in three bands: one each for forest connectivity, human-caused fragmentation, and natural fragmentation. A related map layer showing the Classification of Forest Fragmentation shows the amount and type of forest fragmentation in North America.