Corporate Incentives Utah


Financial incentives are provided by the Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development for business relocation and expansion.  These incentives are used to select companies that create new, high-paying jobs that help improve the standard of living, diversify the state economy, increase the tax base, attract and retain top-level management, and encourage graduates of in-state universities to remain in Utah.

Incentives may be offered as either grants or tax credits. The incentive amount and duration is decided by the Governor's Office of Economic Development Board and Executive Director based on statutory guidelines and evaluation criteria including the financial strength and historical stability of the company, the number and salary of jobs created, amount of new state tax revenue, long-term capital investment, competition with other locations, and whether the company is in a targeted industry.

All state incentives are awarded on a post-performance basis so that companies must meet specific milestones, including generation of new state tax revenue, before incentives are disbursed. This assures a positive “return on investment” to the State of Utah and its citizens.


Are you a Company located outside of Utah and looking to relocate here? Please fill out this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

(required format:(###)###-#### )

State relocating from:


Christopher M. Conabee

Christopher M. Conabee Managing Director


Eric B. Nay

Eric B. Nay Incentives Manager


Jenni Osman

Jenni Osman Incentives Coordinator

GOED Board

All incentives applications are taken to the GOED Board for approval.

Procter and Gamble Groundbreaking