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ITL Forensic Science Program


Forensic science provides one of the basic structural elements of the U.S. criminal justice system. It provides the methodologies for understanding crime scenes, analyzing evidence, identifying suspects, and prosecuting and convicting criminals while exonerating innocent people.

The ITL Forensic Science program advances the measurements and standards infrastructure for forensic science through the application of computer science, mathematics, and statistics.


The principal goals of the Program are to develop standards, measurement methods, tests, validation studies, and technology to:

  1. Better understand and improve the accuracy and reliability of forensic science.
  2. Provide scientifically validated bases for forensic methods and standards.
  3. Establish measures of uncertainty for forensic analyses.
  4. Develop automated comuting methods for forensic analyses and research.
  5. Enhance the usability and interoperability of forensic systems.

Of Interest

Cloud Computing Forensic Science Workshop, March 24, 2014 at NIST.

NIST Forensics Portal

Forensics@NIST 2012 Symposium, November 28-30, 2012 at NIST.

NIST and Dutch Agency Team to Improve Forensic Science

ANSI/NIST-ITL Standard Workshop 2013

Bringing the Forensic Sciences into Focus