Today in 1961, JFK signed legislation establishing the Peace Corps. Watch this interview with two Peace Corp volunteers to learn about their experience working in Africa, and find out how you can be a volunteer:
Photo: Today in 1961, JFK signed legislation establishing the Peace Corps. Watch this interview with two Peace Corp volunteers to learn about their experience working in Africa, and find out how you can be a volunteer:
Adolescence is a time of change and can trigger depression. Look for symptoms in your teen and find help:
Do you need to find affordable, trustworthy childcare programs? Use this tool to find locations near you:
Get help with purchase problems and complaints. Find contacts at many companies in the Consumer Action Handbook:
Are you a small business owner? Take advantage of these free informative resources designed to help you be successful
Take a field trip to Washington, D.C. without ever leaving your home. Explore museums and more in these cool videos:
Happy birthday U.S. Air Force! Thank you for your service!
Photo: Happy birthday U.S. Air Force! Thank you for your service!
On this day in 1793, the cornerstone was laid for the U.S. Capitol. Nearly 100 years later, the building was completed.

Learn more about the construction and history of the Capitol:

Photo from the Architect of the Capitol.
Photo: On this day in 1793, the cornerstone was laid for the U.S. Capitol. Nearly 100 years later, the building was completed. 

Learn more about the construction and history of the Capitol:

Photo from the Architect of the Capitol.
September is Cholesterol Education Month. Once you turn 20, its recommended that you have your cholesterol checked at least once every five years:
Today in 1787, the Constitution was signed by 39 delegates and on its way to ratification:
Photo: Today in 1787, the Constitution was signed by 39 delegates and on its way to ratification:
Today in 1940, FDR signed the Selective Service Training Act. It required men between 21-35 to register for the draft
Are you caring for an aging loved one? Get the FREE healthy aging action kit to help navigate their health needs:
Find out how you too can get help with predatory lending practices:
Photo: Find out how you too can get help with predatory lending practices:
Hi! We're a portal for U.S. government services and information. Looking forward to today's #HHMSalud Chat!