Questions and Answers

Note: The following page contains a list of documents with all corrections, updates and additions beginning 3/20/09.(Corrections/Updates/Additions). All corrections, updates and additions have been incorporated into the full Questions and Answers section below.

As of 1/20/12, new questions and answers have been added to address the acceleration of ARRA drawdowns. These include:

  1. Program Administration
  2. Pre-Grant Award
    1. Eligibility
    2. Planning
    3. Certifications (1511, 1201, 1607) 
  3. Grant Development/Award
    1. General
    2. Department of Labor (DOL) Certification
    3. Transit Capital Assistance Urbanized Areas
    4. Transit Capital Assistance Nonurbanized
    5. Capital Investment Grants
    6. Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction - TIGGER 
  4. Post-Award/Closeout/Oversight 
    1. Reporting Requirements
    2. Grant Implementation
    3. Contracts and Procurement 
  5. Operating Assistance
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