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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

 About This Site

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The Recovery Act required the Recovery Board to create and manage a website “to foster greater accountability and transparency in the use of funds made available in this Act.”  The site displayed for the American public the distribution of all ARRA funds by federal agencies and how the recipients are spending those funds.  The site also offered the public the ability to report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse related to ARRA funding.

All the data on the site came  from two sources:

• Federal agencies submitted Financial and Activity Reports that can be found in the Agency Reported section of the site. 
• The recipient data displayed on the site was pulled directly from the reports submitted by the recipients at, also managed by the Board.  The data was not changed, altered, or corrected by the Board prior to posting. went live on February 17, 2009.  In anticipation of having to post millions of pieces of information from the recipients of ARRA funds, the site was rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up, and was relaunched in September 2009. In December 2013, was rebranded as the Board's official website to include not only data on ARRA funding but also data on Hurricane Sandy funding.

Watch the video: Overview