Congress has repealed the requirement for recipients to report on their ARRA awards #ARRAwards so January 2014 was the last reporting period. All the data is posted on
We did it before and we’re preparing to do it again. allowed citizens to track the over $800B in stimulus funds to see exactly where that money went. Join us as we begin to #trackthemoney again. Over $60B in federal funds have been provided to assist victims of Hurricane Sandy and we’re going to help you see how that money is being used. Stay tuned.
Looking for information on a specific company that received #ARRA money? Look them up with the Recipient Profile Search:
See the most recent list of those who received ARRA funding yet failed to report on how they used it.
$73 million in #ARRA funds helped construct two "Warrior in Transition Barracks" - one at Fort Bliss, Texas, the other at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The complexes house soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who no longer require hospital care but still need a healing environment. Their families are also be able to live with them. Read more about this project:
Hurricane #Sandy One Year Later: See where Hurricane Sandy relief money has gone. Select a state or county, then click on each dot to learn more about specific awards.
Did you know? Inspectors General review their agencies' management of Recovery Funds and issue reports on the results. You can find the latest reports here:
In Colorado, infrastructure ($1.4B) and education ($1.2B) projects received the most ARRA funding. Top three Colorado cities to receive funding - Denver, Boulder, and Golden. More Colorado ARRA stats:
ARRA recipients with open awards will continue to report until further notice. The next reporting period begins at 12:01AM October 1 and extends through to 11:59 P.M. on October 14, 2013. More information about October 2013 reporting -
The $1 billion DFW Connector Project was designed to help drivers navigate better and avoid congestion as they travel to and around the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The project received $260 million in ARRA funds and was the lar...gest highway investment from the Recovery Act. According to Texas DOT, the project created more than 500 jobs and was finished 9 months ahead of schedule. Read more about the recently opened DFW Connector: See More