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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

 All Inspectors General Reports

Inspectors General review  their agencies' management of Recovery funds and issue reports on the results of the review.

Report DateAgencyTitle
08/19/2014Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe South Landry Housing Authority Did Not ALways Comply with Federal Procurement and Financial Requirements.
08/01/2014Department of AgricultureLessons Learned from the Recovery Act, An OIG Perspective
07/15/2014Department of JusticeAudit of the Office of COmmunity Oriented Policing Services 2009 COPS Hiring Recovery Program Grant, Toledo OHio
07/14/2014Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentImprovements are needed over environmental reviews of public housing and Recovery Act funds in the Greensboro, NC office
06/25/2014Department of CommerceExcess Equipment, Weaknesses in Inventory, Management, and Other Issues in BTOP Infrastructure Projects
06/19/2014Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentImprovements are needed over environmental reviews of public housing and Recovery Act funds in the Columbia SC office
06/04/2014Environmental Protection AgencyNew Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Needs to Meet Cooperative Agreement Objectives and Davis-Bacon Act Requirements to FUlly Achieve Leaking Underground Storage Tank Goals
05/28/2014National Endowment for the ArtsFinancial Management System and Compliance Evaluation on selected NEA grants to Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc
05/12/2014Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentImprovements are needed over Environmental Reviews of Public Housing and Recovery Act Funds in the Kansas City Office
04/30/2014Department of EnergyAllegations Regarding the Department of Energy's State Energy Program Funding to South Dakota
04/29/2014Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Yakama Nation Housing Authority did not Always Spend its Recovery Act Funds in Accordance with Requirements
04/18/2014General Services AdministrationContract Administration Issues on the Recovery Act Project at the 300 North LA Federal Building in Los Angeles, California
04/02/2014Department of Transportation
04/02/2014Department of Transportation
03/25/2014Department of LaborRecovery Act: Outcomes From On-the-Job Training National Emergency Grants
03/25/2014National Endowment for the ArtsFinancial Management System and Compliance Evaluation on selected NEA Grants to BRIC Arts/Media/Bklyn, Inc
03/18/2014General Services AdministrationReduction in Energy Consumption from Recovery Act Projects at the Goodfellow Federal Center Complex in St. Louis, Missouri, is Not Apparent
03/06/2014Environmental Protection AgencyUnless California Air Resources Board Fully Complies with Laws and Regulations, Emission Reductions and Human Health Benefits Are Unknown
02/19/2014Department of EnergyAllegations of Potential Fraud and Mismanagement of a Smart Grid Investment Grant Program Award
02/06/2014General Services AdministrationSecurity and Pricing Concerns on the Recovery Act Projects at the Byrne Courthouse and Green Federal Building
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