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AGENCY PROFILE - Environmental Protection Agency

 Data From Agency Reports - Updated Monthly

Recovery Appropriations *
Total Funds Awarded
Total Funds Paid Out

*Appropriation amounts include contract, grant, and loan programs only and do not include estimated costs for entitlements.

Contracts, Grants and Loans Paid Out by Category

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Text View of Contracts, Grants and Loans Paid Out By Category

Entitlements Paid Out by Category

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Text View of Entitlements Paid Out By Category

Funding by Award Type

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Text View of Funding by Award Type
NOTE: Chart totals may not equal Total Funds Awarded and Paid Out because unspecified award type could not be included.

Agency News
EPA Completes Cleanup of Over 600 South Minneapolis Homes Ahead of Schedule

​Chicago (June 5, 2012) -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator Susan Hedman today announced that the Agency has finished its cleanup of contaminated soil in a South Minneapolis neighborhood a full year ahead of schedule. Hedman was joined by officials from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the city of Minneapolis at an event today for neighborhood residents at the East Phillips Community Center.

Read more about Cleanup Project
SF Bayview Hunter’s Point Facility Leveraging Stimulus Funding To Launch Successful Green Jobs Training Program

​SAN FRANCISCO -- Tomorrow, Nancy Stoner, the acting Assistant Administrator for Water at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency headquarters in Washington, D.C., will tour the EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park during a visit to California. Nearly every feature of the 1,500-square-foot facility pushes the envelope for innovation and is used to educate the public about renewable energy, pollution and greenhouse gas reduction, wastewater treatment, “green” building materials, and the green economy.

Read more about Bayview Hunters Point Center
City of Pueblo (Colo.) Recognized for Using Solar Power at Wastewater Treatment Facility

200 kW Solar Array to Reduce Energy Costs, Air Pollution

(Denver, Colo.) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today presented a Clean Water State Revolving Fund award to the City of Pueblo, Colo., for improvements to the community’s wastewater treatment system. Diane Sanelli, director of EPA’s state revolving fund program in Denver, presented the award to City Council President Ray Aguilera at a town council meeting.

Read more about Watsewater Treatment System Improvements
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Last Updated 12/31/2013
 Data from Recipient Reports -
 Updated Quarterly
Total Number of Awards
as Reported by Recipients

Total Number of Awards as Reported by Recipients

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Text View of Total Number of Awards
Project Completion Status

This graph displays Agency Project Completion Status

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More Details About Project Status
Estimated Jobs by Quarter

This graph displays Estimated Jobs by Quarter

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Text View of Estimated Jobs
States Receiving the Most Funds
State Amount
(02/17/09 - 12/31/2013)
New York $566,998,919
California $552,643,643
Texas $405,126,190
Ohio $307,420,534
Illinois $297,691,312
Cities Receiving the Most Funds
City Amount
(02/17/09 - 12/31/2013)
Brooklyn, NY $124,216,138
Hartford, CT $71,598,949
Sacramento, CA $60,433,873
Austin, TX $57,298,753
San Juan, PR $49,725,929
Last Updated 5/1/2014