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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

 Developer Center

Access all the data reported by recipients of ARRA awards through the ARRA API and the Mapping API.  You will also find widgets, apps and a tool to build customized charts.   Congress repealed the quarterly reporting requirement for recipients in January 2014.  All the data was updated for the last time on May 1, 2014.


State/County/Congressional District Widget screenshotState data Summary Widget

Post on your personal or business website data summaries of state, county, congressional district, or zip code data reported by recipients.  Or you can use the widget on


Advance Search Widget screenshotAdvanced Recipient data Search Widget 

See search results in a table or in a machine-readable feed using this widget.  Place the widget on your own website or use it on Mobile AppRecovery Explorer Web version 

Access ARRA data through the Recovery Explorer web interface, and create customized charts and graphs using specific data categories and filters.






Access the most recently updated Recipient Reported data to build applications for the web, desktop, or mobile devices. This page provides information on how to access the API and describes the various parameters for retrieving data.    

ArcGISArcGIS map api

The ArcGIS API for JavaScript (JavaScript API) is a
browser- based API for developing high-performance,
easy-to-use mapping applications that you can easily embed  in your web pages.


3rd Party Widgets and Applications

See how others are using ARRA data.