Use the "Quick Market Search" button above to go to the Quick Market Search

This is generally a self-certifying database. The SBA does not make any representation as to the accuracy of any of the data included, other than certifications relating to 8(a) Business Development, HUBZone or Small Disadvantaged Business status. The SBA strongly recommends that contracting officers diligently review a bidder's small business self-certification before awarding a contract.

All form fields that require typing in data have "tooltips" with data format information.

Location of Profile
(How to make multiple selections.)
Searching within a State:

(Requires exactly one state from the list at left.)


  Lookup Help


Government Certifications
8(a) Certified or 8(a) Joint Venture:

Small Disadvantaged Business:

HUBZone Certification:

The SBA's 8(a), HUBZone and SDB certifications are also made available to external software via: SBSS Public Web Services.
For more information, see also SBA Certifications in the search help page.

Ownership and Self-Certifications

(To start over in this section, if you like, you can use this hotlink: Clear These Checkboxes)

Specific Nature of Business

General Nature of Business

(Note: TECH-Net is an SBA web site related to Research & Development.
But "Has TECH-Net Award(s)" is independent of "Research & Development".)

Minimum Acceptable Bonding Levels

Quality Assurance Standards

Size and/or

Accepts Government Credit Card?
GSA Advantage Contract?

(*) To search the contents of "Export Profiles", use the DSBS-affiliated
Trade Mission Online Search ("TM OnLine").

Searching for a specific profile


Profile Status

("All" also sets Profile Last Updated to 'On or after 01/01/1900')

Search Results Display Options

Note: "Show All" shows as many profiles as you're allowed to receive, which
may increase that limit to 5000. But due to a database restriction, adding
"one-to-many" fields to the profile list (next item), lowers the limit to 1000.
Choosing HTML Import format,below, automatically sets "Show All".

Font Size (these usually affect all formats except HTML Import as text):

Format. Show the search results in:

Save As...:
If importing into Windows Excel 2007 or later,
answer Yes to the format/suffix dialog.


NOTE: Search results will be randomized by the time of day
you press the "Search Using These Criteria" button.