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Getting Out

Are you leaving your business? Maybe you are retiring or handing your business to a relative? Whatever the reason, be smart about how you make your exit.
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    Plan Your Exit

    Do you have a business exit strategy? Developing an exit strategy or succession plan is essential in smoothly transitioning your business. Learn more about key elements to consider in your plan.

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    Steps to Closing a Business

    Closing your business is big decisions. Learn more about recommended steps to closing your business.

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    Selling Your Business

    Is selling your business is the right exit strategy for you? If so, make sure you properly prepare a sales agreement. Find out more about what you should address in your sales agreement.

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    Transfer Ownership

    Business owners have several options when it comes to transferring ownership rights. Be sure to consider all your options before deciding what is right for you. Find information about your options.

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    Legal Resources for Exiting

    There are many resources available to help you comply with the basic laws for conducting and exiting a business. Here are resources that offer general assistance to specialized audiences.

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    Liquidating Assets

    Have you determined that liquidating your assets is your best business exit strategy? Learn more about the key steps to consider when creating your liquidation plan.

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    Filing for Bankruptcy Protection

    Deciding to file for bankruptcy can be a painful decision, but if you find yourself in a position with no other options, educate yourself with these essential resources before making your decision.