Brilliant colors and lighting in this photo, Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, #Japan. Share your photography of #lakes as comments.
We've been loving the stark landscapes and aurora shots by BenH on Flickr. Check him out here:
Photo: We've been loving the stark landscapes and aurora shots by BenH on Flickr. Check him out here:
Enjoy terrific rhinoceros photos for this week's #WildlifeWednesday and for #WorldRhinoDay:

What species would you like to see featured for next Wednesday? Share your photos of them as comments.

("A white rhino in Solio ranch, Kenya." Photo by Valentina Storti at
Photo: Enjoy terrific rhinoceros photos for this week's #WildlifeWednesday and for #WorldRhinoDay:

What species would you like to see featured for next Wednesday? Share your photos of them as comments.

("A white rhino in Solio ranch, Kenya." Photo by Valentina Storti at
Aujourd'hui, dans notre série d'interviews "Regard de photographe", découvrez les très belles photos de Donovan Heneman. Donovan a 33 ans, il est infirmier, passionné de photographie et pose un très beau regard sur le monde qui l'entoure.

Merci Donovan !
Photo: Aujourd'hui, dans notre série d'interviews "Regard de photographe", découvrez les très belles photos de Donovan Heneman. Donovan a 33 ans, il est infirmier, passionné de photographie et pose un très beau regard sur le monde qui l'entoure.

Merci Donovan !
Meet Australian photographer Alex Benetel, one of our #20under20 finalists, and explore her #photography on our blog:

Are you also a self-portrait photographer? Share your favorite self-portraits as comments.

("Once and for all, they abandoned what they knew" photo by Alex Benetel at
Photo: Meet Australian photographer Alex Benetel, one of our #20under20 finalists, and explore her #photography on our blog:

Are you also a self-portrait photographer? Share your favorite self-portraits as comments.

("Once and for all, they abandoned what they knew" photo by Alex Benetel at
In this gallery, a photo selection of serene views of nature worldwide. Where did you shoot your most memorable landscape? Share them as comments here and in the gallery.
Single Shot Spotlight: Exceptional long-exposure of the Milky Way over Yosemite. Share your favorite #nightscapes as comments.
Single Shot Spotlight: Photo captures FLOW/Im Fluss light installation in alley by #Luftwerk, Chicago, Illinois. Share your #photography of public artwork as comments.
Seu amigo mais leal, sua companhia mais fiel. Tire uma foto dos seus Bichos de Estimação (#Pets) para a #TwitterTuesday nesta semana e compartilhe com a gente por uma chance de aparecer no FlickrBlog amanhã!
Photo: Seu amigo mais leal, sua companhia mais fiel. Tire uma foto dos seus Bichos de Estimação (#Pets) para a #TwitterTuesday nesta semana e compartilhe com a gente por uma chance de aparecer no FlickrBlog amanhã!
Hunde, Katzen, Hamster, Meerschweinchen und der gleichen mehr. Wir lieben sie! Das Thema unseres heutigen #TwitterTuesday ist "Haustiere" (#Pets).

Teilt euer bestes Foto eines Haustieres mit uns auf Twitter, @flickr, und fügt den Tag #TwitterTuesday hinzu:

Die interessantesten Beiträge veröffentlichen wir später im Flickr Blog.
Photo: Hunde, Katzen, Hamster, Meerschweinchen und der gleichen mehr. Wir lieben sie! Das Thema unseres heutigen #TwitterTuesday ist "Haustiere" (#Pets).

Teilt euer bestes Foto eines Haustieres mit uns auf Twitter, @flickr, und fügt den Tag #TwitterTuesday hinzu:

Die interessantesten Beiträge veröffentlichen wir später im Flickr Blog.
Chiens, chats, hamsters etc. On les aime ! Le thème de notre défi Twitter Tuesday est "Animaux de compagnie" #Pets.

Partagez la meilleure photo d'animaux de compagnie de votre galerie sur Twitter @Flickr en ajoutant les hashtags #TwitterTuesday et #Pets

Nous afficherons une sélection de tous ces petits chouchous sur FlickrBlog dès demain !
Photo: Chiens, chats, hamsters etc. On les aime ! Le thème de notre défi Twitter Tuesday est "Animaux de compagnie" #Pets.

Partagez la meilleure photo d'animaux de compagnie de votre galerie sur Twitter @Flickr en ajoutant les hashtags #TwitterTuesday et #Pets

Nous afficherons une sélection de tous ces petits chouchous sur FlickrBlog dès demain !
Photo from Katharina Jung (, one of the 20 talented young photographers selected for 20under20 2014.

Follow the link to find out more, cast your vote, and nominate your friends for 2015.
Photo: Photo from Katharina Jung (, one of the 20 talented young photographers selected for 20under20 2014.

Follow the link to find out more, cast your vote, and nominate your friends for 2015.
Superb shot of a huge lightning strike from a thunderstorm in Arizona. Share your favorite weather photography.
Single Shot Spotlight: Creative #abstractphotography of aspen trees, Havre, #Montana.

Share your favorite abstract photos as comments.
The most faithful friend, our most intimate companion. Take a shot of your #Pets for #TwitterTuesday this week, share it with us, and be featured on the Flickr Blog!
Photo: The most faithful friend, our most intimate companion. Take a shot of your #Pets for #TwitterTuesday this week, share it with us, and be featured on the Flickr Blog!
Single Shot Spotlight: Lone vulture silhouette in this gloomy morning scene, New Jersey. Share your #morning landscapes as comments.
Happy #MonoMonday dear friends. Celebrate with us by sharing your favorite monochromatic inspirations. (Just Ard, CC-BY-NC)
Photo: Happy #MonoMonday dear friends. Celebrate with us by sharing your favorite monochromatic inspirations. (Just Ard, CC-BY-NC)
Single Shot Spotlight: Excellent #iphoneography of street mural in Taipei, Taiwan. Share your best monochrome shot for #MonoMonday.
Unser Apple TV-Gewinnspiel hat begonnen. Zeigt uns euer bestes Foto zum Thema #überlebensgroß und mit etwas Glück und Kreativität könnt ihr bald einen neuen Apple TV euer eigen nennen!
Photo: Unser Apple TV-Gewinnspiel hat begonnen. Zeigt uns euer bestes Foto zum Thema #überlebensgroß und mit etwas Glück und Kreativität könnt ihr bald einen neuen Apple TV euer eigen nennen!
Hay un gran mundo al otro lado del espejo. Todo es diferente y hasta quizá exista un universo paralelo. Bueno, no podemos ir más allá a través de la imagen que nos muestra pero seguramente tú puedes reproducir ese mundo en imágenes. Toma tu... foto a partir de hoy o en los próximos días y agrégala al grupo con los hashtags #FlickrFriday y #ThroughTheLookingGlass (A Través del Espejo) para tener la oportunidad de estar en Flickr Blog el próximo viernes.


Si te gusta esta CC-BY foto, dirígete a la galería de martinak15 y déjaselo saber al elegir su foto como favorita o al comentar en ella:
See More
Photo: Hay un gran mundo al otro lado del espejo. Todo es diferente y hasta quizá exista un universo paralelo. Bueno, no podemos ir más allá a través de la imagen que nos muestra pero seguramente tú puedes reproducir ese mundo en imágenes. Toma tu foto a partir de hoy o en los próximos días y agrégala al grupo con los hashtags #FlickrFriday y #ThroughTheLookingGlass (A Través del Espejo) para tener la oportunidad de estar en Flickr Blog el próximo viernes.


Si te gusta esta CC-BY foto, dirígete a la galería de martinak15 y déjaselo saber al elegir su foto como favorita o al comentar en ella:
Single Shot Spotlight: Fantastic photo of the Ordesa Valley, Aragon, #Spain. Where did you shoot your favorite landscapes? Share them as comments.
Do you have #volcano photos? Share them as comments.

Must-see gallery of 20+ photos capturing the recent #lava flows and volcanic eruption of Bardarbunga and Holuhraun, #Iceland:

(Photo by peterhartree at
Photo: Do you have #volcano photos? Share them as comments.

Must-see gallery of 20+ photos capturing the recent #lava flows and volcanic eruption of Bardarbunga and Holuhraun, #Iceland:

(Photo by peterhartree at
Nice eyes! All of them... from @MacroscopicSolutions on Flickr. (CC-BY-NC, used with permission)
Photo: Nice eyes! All of them... from @MacroscopicSolutions on Flickr. (CC-BY-NC, used with permission)
Single Shot Spotlight: Shot captures rural art, or caption, by E.B.Itso #Vardo, Norway. What public words have you photographed lately? Share them as comments.
At 20 years old, Alex Stoddard already has photos hanging alongside Annie Leibovitz. Watch his incredible story:

Alex is part of our celebration of young photographers. Explore, and vote for, works by all the selected photographers:

("The reason I remain indoors." photo by Alex Stoddard at
Photo: At 20 years old, Alex Stoddard already has photos hanging alongside Annie Leibovitz. Watch his incredible story:

Alex is part of our celebration of young photographers. Explore, and vote for, works by all the selected photographers:

("The reason I remain indoors." photo by Alex Stoddard at
Tem um mundo inteiro ali, do outro lado do espelho. Tudo é ao contrário, e talvez seja um universo paralelo! Bom, não podemos atravessar o espelho, mas vocês podem nos mostrar como seria esse mundo do outro lado através das suas fotos! Tire... uma foto entre hoje e os próximos dias e mande para o grupo com as hashtags #FlickrFriday e #ThroughTheLookingGlass por uma chance de aparecer no FlickrBlog na próxima sexta-feira.


Se você gostou dessa foto com licença CC-BY, vá até o Flickr da martinak15 e conte pra ela, favoritando ou comentando na foto:
See More
Photo: Tem um mundo inteiro ali, do outro lado do espelho. Tudo é ao contrário, e talvez seja um universo paralelo! Bom, não podemos atravessar o espelho, mas vocês podem nos mostrar como seria esse mundo do outro lado através das suas fotos! Tire uma foto entre hoje e os próximos dias e mande para o grupo com as hashtags #FlickrFriday e #ThroughTheLookingGlass por uma chance de aparecer no FlickrBlog na próxima sexta-feira.


Se você gostou dessa foto com licença CC-BY, vá até o Flickr da martinak15 e conte pra ela, favoritando ou comentando na foto:
Regardez à travers le miroir et trouvez l'inspiration pour participer au défi de la semaine : #FlickrFriday.

Prenez une photo sur le thème "à travers le miroir" et partagez-la dans le groupe Flickr Friday avant vendredi prochain. N'oubliez pas d'ajouter le hashtag #ThroughTheLookingGlass

Bon week-end à tous et bon défi !
Photo: Regardez à travers le miroir et trouvez l'inspiration pour participer au défi de la semaine : #FlickrFriday. 

Prenez une photo sur le thème "à travers le miroir" et partagez-la dans le groupe Flickr Friday avant vendredi prochain. N'oubliez pas d'ajouter le hashtag #ThroughTheLookingGlass

Bon week-end à tous et bon défi !
Unser #FlickrFriday-Thema ist in dieser Woche inspiriert von Alice im Wunderland und lautet "Hinter den Spiegeln" (#ThroughTheLookingGlass). Wie immer ist die Interpretation natürlich vollkommen offen.

Macht ab sofort ein Foto zum Thema und stellt ist mit dem Tag #FlickrFriday in die Flickr Flickr-Gruppe ein:
Photo: Unser #FlickrFriday-Thema ist in dieser Woche inspiriert von Alice im Wunderland und lautet "Hinter den Spiegeln" (#ThroughTheLookingGlass). Wie immer ist die Interpretation natürlich vollkommen offen.

Macht ab sofort ein Foto zum Thema und stellt ist mit dem Tag #FlickrFriday in die Flickr Flickr-Gruppe ein:
There's a whole world, out there, in the other side of the mirror. Everything's backwards, and maybe it's a parallel universe! Well, we can't go through the looking glass, but you can show us how that world would be through your pictures! T...ake your shot starting today or in the coming days and submit it to the group with the hashtags #FlickrFriday and #ThroughTheLookingGlass for a chance to be featured on Flickr Blog next Friday.


If you like this CC-BY photo, head over to martinak15 and let her know by faving or commenting on her photo:
See More
Photo: There's a whole world, out there, in the other side of the mirror. Everything's backwards, and maybe it's a parallel universe! Well, we can't go through the looking glass, but you can show us how that world would be through your pictures! Take your shot starting today or in the coming days and submit it to the group with the hashtags #FlickrFriday and #ThroughTheLookingGlass for a chance to be featured on Flickr Blog next Friday.


If you like this CC-BY photo, head over to martinak15 and let her know by faving or commenting on her photo:
See beautiful Flickr images come to life with new animation in Yahoo Weather for iOS. Watch a video of the features here:
Photo: See beautiful Flickr images come to life with new animation in Yahoo Weather for iOS. Watch a video of the features here:
For #ThrowbackThursday, enjoy photos of #gardens seen in the past:

What theme would you like to see next Thursday?

("Peony Garden" photo from the Museum of Photographic Arts at
Photo: For #ThrowbackThursday, enjoy photos of #gardens seen in the past: 

What theme would you like to see next Thursday?

("Peony Garden" photo from the Museum of Photographic Arts at
Single Shot Spotlight: Dahlia #flower bloom in Derbyshire, U.K. Share your favorite #garden photography as comments.
David Uzochukwu is one of our #20under20. He's an amazing self-portrait and fine art photographer, and his works take us into surreal worlds in which he makes himself and his models live through somber moments. It's a real adventure to witn...ess David's development as a photographer. We are pleased to introduce him today in our latest Photographer Spotlight: See More
Whoa! What does an enormous black hole in a superdense galaxy look like? Image from the Hubble Telescope, shared via NASA Goddard on Flickr.
Photo: Whoa! What does an enormous black hole in a superdense galaxy look like? Image from the Hubble Telescope, shared via NASA Goddard on Flickr.
These mind bending photos of "little people" from Zev Hoover showcase the talent of our youngest Flickr 20under20 winner. Jump into the magical-realist imagination of this photo wunderkind.
Photo: These mind bending photos of "little people" from Zev Hoover showcase the talent of our youngest Flickr 20under20 winner. Jump into the magical-realist imagination of this photo wunderkind.
We're excited to join the largest social photography event in the world, the Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. With your help, we can set a Guinness Record for largest day of photowalks. You can find a walk in your area or start your own by signing up here:
Photo: We're excited to join the largest social photography event in the world, the Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. With your help, we can set a Guinness Record for largest day of photowalks. You can find a walk in your area or start your own by signing up here:
From #Hogwarts Express to Ghostbuster’s headquarters, visit 18 locations from the cinematic realm that exist in real life in this gallery:

What famous #movie places have you photographed? Share them as comments here and in the gallery.

Photo credit:"A wizard day out on the Hogwarts Express” (SmokingPermitted - "Cosa sono? La bambina dei no”/Flickr at
Photo: From #Hogwarts Express to Ghostbuster’s headquarters, visit 18 locations from the cinematic realm that exist in real life in this gallery:

What famous #movie places have you photographed? Share them as comments here and in the gallery.

Photo credit:"A wizard day out on the Hogwarts Express” (SmokingPermitted - "Cosa sono? La bambina dei no”/Flickr at
In this Single Shot Spotlight, a view from Uncle Tom’s Trail that takes hikers from the top of the Grand Canyon of #Yellowstone to the base of the 308-foot-high Lower Falls.

Share your favorite photography from your #hiking trips as comments.

("Uncle Tom was Crazy" photo by Michael Villavicencio at
Photo: In this Single Shot Spotlight, a view from Uncle Tom’s Trail that takes hikers from the top of the Grand Canyon of #Yellowstone to the base of the 308-foot-high Lower Falls.

Share your favorite photography from your #hiking trips as comments.

("Uncle Tom was Crazy" photo by Michael Villavicencio at
Yesterday we asked you to show us your best photos of #Friends for #TwitterTuesday. Being goofy, playing with your dog, playing with your toys, giving some hugs to your siblings: Friends are everywhere, and your photos were lovely! Check our selection of favorites featured on the Flickr Blog.
Participez à un nouveau record du monde le 11 octobre !

Flickr est partenaire officiel du Kelby Worldwide Photowalk (WWPW).
Objectif du WWPW : avec votre participation, les aider à inscrire un record de la journée des photowalks (promenades photo) qui sera inscrit dans le Guinness des records. #photowalk

Rendez-vous sur FlickrBlog pour savoir comment y participer :