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Insurance Commissioner & Department of Insurance

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Original or Last Amended Date


Agents Bulletins

No. 1 04-15-1992 Standards for Cancellation of Agents Writing Auto Insurance
No. 2 04-15-1992 Delaware Fiduciary Fund Requirements
No. 3 04-15-1992 Acting as Agent without License; Insurer's Responsibility; Exemptions from Rule
No. 4 04-15-1992 Agents' Licensing, Appointment, Authority; Brokers' Authority
No. 5 08-24-1998 Background Investigation Requirements
No. 6 N/A License Fees
No. 7 04-15-1992 Regulation No. #47 Continuing Education, Section #7
No. 8 10-04-2001 Executive Order Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Permit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism
No. 9 04-11-2002 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001
No. 10 07-24-2002 Publication of Notices by the Delaware Insurance Department Under 18 Delaware Code § 312
No. 11 07-25-2002 Sale of Unregistered Securities
No. 12 03-24-2003 Continuing Education Waiver for Active Duty Personnel
No. 13 11-16-2004 Continuing Education Changes Under Amended Regulation 504
No. 14 05-16-2007 Medicare Advantage/Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Marketing in DE
No. 15 11-08-2007 Mandatory Filing of License and Renewal Applications Electronically
No. 16 07-01-2008 Submission of Multiple Applications at One Time

Auto Bulletins

No. 1


Determination of Replacement Value of Automobiles
No. 2 04-15-1992 Premium Charges for Automobiles Principally Garaged Out-of-State but Registered in Delaware
No. 3 04-15-1992 Late Issuance of Renewal Policies
No. 4 04-15-1992 Salvaged or Junked Vehicles
No. 5 07-10-1996 Minimum Standards for Defensive Driving Course [Withdrawn]
No. 6 04-15-1992 Intercompany Transfer of Insureds
No. 7 04-15-1992 Adoption of Section 3915 of Title 18 (refunds on auto-policy cancellations)
No. 8 04-15-1992 Implementation of Seat Belt Legislation
No. 9 02-05-2003 Approved Defensive Driving Courses
No. 10 10-15-1998 Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
No. 11 08-23-2006 Compliance Guidance Relating to Regulation 610

No. 12


Availability of Survey Materials Relating to Regulation 610

No. 13


2007 Auto Rate Survey Information Now Availbale

No. 14


No. 15


2008 Auto Rate Survey Information Now Available

Captive Insurance Bulletins

No. 1 02-07-2007 Annual/Quarterly Filing Requirements

Domestic/Foreign Insurers Bulletins

No. 1 09-28-2001 Qualifications of Admission of Domestic Companies
No. 2 09-28-2001 Qualifications for Admission of Foreign and Alien Insurance Companies
No. 3 04-15-1992 Admission of Foreign Stock and Mutual Insurance Companies/"Seasoning"
No. 4 04-15-1992

Minimum Free Surplus

No. 5 09-17-1997 Regulation of Service Contract Providers
No. 6 03-01-1998 Admitted Assets Defined for Purposes of the Holding Company System Registration Act
No. 7 11-06-2000 Notice of Change in Policy Regarding Retaliatory Tax Calculation
No. 8 10-01-2001 Affidavit in Lieu of a Death Certificate for Victims of the September 11 Disasters Involving the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Somerset County, Pennsylvania
No. 9 10-06-2001 Executive Order Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Permit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism
No. 10 02-25-2002 Reporting Risk Based Capital by Insurers Subject to 18 Delaware Code § 1104
No. 11 07-24-2002 Publication of Notices by the Delaware Insurance Department Under 18 Delaware Code § 312
No. 12 09-17-2002   WITHDRAWN
No. 13 01-02-2003 Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
No. 14


Accident and Health Insurance Sales Practices in the Small Group Market
No. 15 09-03-2003 Insurance Fraud Reporting Form
No. 16 09-29-2003 Aids Information Brochure 18 Delaware Code § 7403
No. 17 07-21-2004 Uncertainty Related to Expiration of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 Exclusions Related to Acts of Terrorism
No. 18 07-20-2005 Medical Negligence Insurance Claims Reporting
No. 19 02-03-2006 Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act of 2005
No. 20 05-22-2006 Routine Testing For Newborn Infants Pursuant to 18 Delaware Code §§ 3335, 3550
No. 21 08-09-2006 Required Notices to be Provided to Consumers in the State of Delaware
No. 22 09-01-2006 Compliance With The Pharmacy Access Act (18 Delaware Code § 7301 et. seq.)
No. 23 10-19-2006 Obligation of Insurers to Offer Inflation Protection Under Regulation 1404, Section 13.1.1
No. 24 02-28-2007 Availability of Survey Materials Relating to Regulation 704
No. 25 03-08-2007 VOID
No. 26 07-01-2007 Workers Compensation Requirements for Independent Contractors in the Construction Industry
No. 27 01-08-2008 Letters of Credit Issued
No. 28 03-03-2008 2008 Survey Materials Relating to Reg 704
No. 29 03-26-2008 Accounting for Federal Home Loan Bank Funding Agreements
No. 30 07-01-2008 Submission of Multiple Applications at One Time
No. 31 07-16-2008 Change to Quarterly Estimated Payments for the Insurance Premium Tax
No. 32 07-25-2008 Implementation of Online Premium Tax Program
No. 33 12-16-2008 2008 Annual Premium Tax & Fees Filing Procedures
No. 34 03-05-2009 Availability Of 2009 Rate Survey Materials Relating To Regulation 704

Forms and Rates Bulletins

No. 1 04-15-1992 Filing Procedures:  Rates, Rules, Policy Forms, and Rating Plans
No. 2 04-15-1992 Workers' Compensation Insurance (Delaware Form C)
No. 3 04-15-1992 Requirement to Disclose Any Exclusion of Work-Related Injuries from Health Coverage
No. 4 04-15-1992 Medical/Lifestyle Questions on Application and Underwriting Guidelines Affecting AIDS and ARC
No. 5 11-27-1995 Loss Cost Filing Requirements
No. 6 04-15-1992 Advertising of Medicare Supplement and Long-Term Care Insurance Products in Delaware
No. 7 04-15-1992 Reimbursement of Care Provided by Advanced Registered Nurses
No. 8 04-15-1992 Effective of Multiple Claims on Renewal of Homeowner's Policy
No. 9 04-15-1992 Physician's Limiting Charge - Medicare Beneficiaries
No. 10 04-15-1992 Apparent Practices that Violate the Open Enrollment Law
No. 11 01-25-1993 Compliance with Reg. 72 - Small Employer Health Care
No. 12 07-27-1994 Amendments to 18 Del. C., Chapter 72: Small Employer Health Insurance 
No. 13 07-19-1994 Small Employer Health Insurance
No. 14 N/A Adoption of Loss Costs Filed by the Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau
No. 15 02-05-1996 Hospital Provider Discount: Co-pays by Insureds
No. 16 07-01-1996 Approving Boating Safety Education Courses
No. 17 07-31-1996 Out-of-State Trusts and Associations Filing Requirements: Group and Blanket Health Insurance Policies
No. 18 10-24-1997 Premium Surcharges on Homeowners Policies
No. 19 12-19-1997 Property/Casualty Schedule Rating Plans and Deviations:  All Lines of Insurance
No. 20 01-02-1998 Review of Advertising Material for Long-Term Care
No. 21 03-30-1999 Sales and Service of Insurance Over the Internet
No. 22 03-30-1999 HMO Out-of-Network Option
No. 23 09-23-2002 Data Requirements for Filings of Manual Rates for all Property/Casualty Lines of Business
No. 24 N/A VOID
No. 25 07-23-2001 Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Insurance Applications Developed to Allow Depository Institutions to Meet Their Disclosure Obligations Under Section 305 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
No. 26 08-22-2003 Credit Scoring Filing Requirements
No. 27 11-14-2003 Title Insurance Filing Requirements
No. 28 01-20-2004 Limitations on Nonrenewals or Surcharges on Residential Homeowner Policies
No. 29 09-22-2004 Consumer Notices Required Under 21 Del. C. §2118(a)(2)
No. 30 10-20-2006 Interpretation of 18 Del. C. §2506(a)
No. 31 06-29-2007 Requirement to File Rates, Forms, Rules & Advertisement Filings Electronically
No. 32 01-08-2009 Requirement to Market Medigap Policies to Individuals under the age of 65 with End-Stage Renal Disease

Surplus Lines Bulletins

No. 1 04-15-1992 Prescribed Surplus Lines Forms: Purpose: Filing
No. 2 04-15-1992 Requirements for Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers
No. 3 04-15-1992 Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers Qualifications under Delaware Surplus Lines Law
No. 4 04-15-1992 Placing Surplus Lines Insurance; Duty of Inquiry by Surplus Lines Broker
No. 5 07-20-2009 Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers *Note:  This information is updated quarterly
No. 6 02-11-2004 Premium Tax on Surplus Lines Insurance Definition of Taxable Premium
No. 7 12-21-2006 Surplus Lines Filing & Reporting Requirements *Note:  Replaces SL Bulletin 1
No. 8 12-16-2008 2008 Annual Premium Tax & Fees Filing Procedures

Last Updated: Wednesday, 22-Jul-2009 11:29:12 EDT
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