Department of State: Division of Professional Regulation

Division of Professional Regulation

The Division of Professional Regulation provides administrative and investigative support for 34 boards and commissions that regulate 54 professions, trades, and events.

This website provides comprehensive information about licensure for each profession, trade and event that the Division regulates. This information includes requirements, forms, fees, license law, Rules and Regulations, meetings, and frequently asked questions (FAQs). To go to the home page for a profession, trade or event, click on its link below.

NEW LAW RELATED TO MILITARY PERSONNEL AND SPOUSES: House Bill 296, enacted on July 21, 2014, aims to further assist military service personnel in transitioning from active duty. It allows professional licensing boards and commissions administered by the Division of Professional Regulation to:

  • accept the military training, education, or experience of a service member if the training, education, or experience is substantially equivalent to the requirements established by law and regulations of the board/commission
  • reinstate the professional license of a service member or his/her spouse within two years of the license lapsing or expiring
  • issue a provisional license to a service member or spouse that would be valid for up to six months while his/her application for a professional license by reciprocity or endorsement is pending.

The service member must be active duty military, National Guard or the military reserve who is reassigned to a duty station in Delaware or deployed by the President of the United States or the Governor of Delaware.The Division of Professional Regulation is developing forms to implement the new law. For other provisions and forms related to service personnel, see Professional License Services for Military Personnel.


Other Professions and Businesses

If you did not find the profession you were searching for, it may be an area that the Division of Professional Regulation does not regulate. Check our Related Links for links to agencies for which we often receive inquiries.

Certain professionals may be required to have a state business license in addition to a professional license. To find out, visit the Division of Revenue.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 20-Aug-2014 15:34:11 EDT
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