| Governor Jack A. Markell |
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  • Brownfield Assistance Program

    The Brownfield Assistance Program, funded from Delaware Strategic Fund, provides matching grants to owners and developers to encourage the redevelopment of environmentally distressed sites within the state.
    Brownfield redevelopment is an important tool for Delaware's livable growth -- recycling our state’s land and cleaning up the environment within our areas designed for growth. However, these sites cannot be revitalized without the help of developers, commercial real estate firms, lenders, and property owners. In the past, concerns over liability and the added cost of cleaning up a site have hindered the redevelopment of Brownfields. The state of Delaware understands the risks are higher for these projects and, in response, provides financial incentives and a fast track cleanup process.
    The program is administered in collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and offers the lesser of up to $100,000 or 50 percent of the costs associated with the investigation and remediation of a Brownfield site. Phase I costs are excluded from the Program and unlike DNREC’s Program, each project must have an employment impact of a minimum of five permanent full-time jobs.
    To be eligible for DEDO’s Program, the owner, prospective owner or developer must first obtain a Brownfield Certification through DNREC that recognizes the site as a Brownfield. After Certification has been obtained, an application can be sent to DEDO for evaluation and processing. Eligibility for Brownfield assistance will be based on the project’s potential to serve a public purpose by maintaining or expanding employment in the State, by maintaining, expanding, or diversifying business and industry in the State, and/or maintaining or increasing its tax base.
    For general questions about the Brownfield Assistance Program, contact Jeff Stone 302-672-6849 or Please note that an application will only be released when the applicant has provided DEDO with a copy of the Brownfield certification letter issued by the Secretary of DNREC.
    Reimbursement occurs upon receipt by DEDO of copies of paid receipts for the investigation and remediation costs incurred.
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