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Sociologists often perform independent research on human society and social behavior.
Quick Facts: Sociologists
2010 Median Pay $72,360 per year
$34.79 per hour
Entry-Level Education Master’s degree
Work Experience in a Related Occupation None
On-the-job Training None
Number of Jobs, 2010 4,000
Job Outlook, 2010-20 18% (About as fast as average)
Employment Change, 2010-20 700

What Sociologists Do

Sociologists study society and social behavior by examining the groups, cultures, organizations, social institutions, and processes that people develop.

Work Environment

Most sociologists work in research organizations, colleges and universities, state and local government, and consulting service firms. They typically work full time during regular business hours.

How to Become a Sociologist

Most sociology positions require a master’s degree or Ph.D.


The median annual wage of sociologists was $72,360 in May 2010.

Job Outlook

Employment of sociologists is expected to grow 18 percent from 2010 to 2020, about as fast as the average for all occupations. However, jobseekers should face competition for most positions because of the relatively small size of the occupation.

Similar Occupations

Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of sociologists with similar occupations.


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What Sociologists Do About this section

Some sociologists conduct interviews for their research.

Sociologists study society and social behavior by examining the groups, cultures, organizations, social institutions, and processes that people develop.


Sociologists typically do the following:

  • Design research projects to test theories about social issues
  • Collect data through surveys, observations, interviews, and other sources
  • Analyze and draw conclusions from data
  • Prepare reports, articles, or presentations detailing their research findings
  • Collaborate with other sociologists or social scientists
  • Consult with and advise clients, policymakers, or other groups on research findings and sociological issues

Sociologists study human social lives, activities, interactions, processes, and organizations within the context of larger social, political, and economic forces. They examine how social influences affect different individuals and groups, and the ways organizations and institutions affect people's lives.

They study the behavior of, and interaction among, groups, organizations, institutions, and nations. They look at activities in social, religious, political, economic, and business organizations. They also trace the origin and growth of these groups and interactions.

Educators, lawmakers, administrators, and social workers use sociological research to solve social problems and formulate public policy. Sociologists specialize in a wide range of social topics, including the following:

  • Health
  • Crime
  • Education
  • Racial and ethnic relations
  • Families
  • Population
  • Gender
  • Poverty
  • Aging

Many people with a sociology background become professors and teachers. Others often find work in related jobs outside the sociologist profession as survey researchers, statisticians, policy analysts, and demographers. For more information, see the profiles on postsecondary teachers, survey researchers, and statisticians.

Work Environment About this section

Sociologists often collaborate with colleagues on research projects or papers.

Sociologists held about 4,000 jobs in 2010, most of which were in research organizations and colleges and universities.

The following industries employed the largest numbers of sociologists in 2010:

Research and development in the social sciences and humanities36%
Colleges, universities, and professional schools; state, local, and private30
Research and development in the physical, engineering, and life sciences7
Local government, excluding education and hospitals6

Sociologists typically work behind a desk, researching and writing reports. They may occasionally work outside the office to meet with colleagues, conduct field research though interviews or observations, or present research results.

Work Schedules

Most sociologists work full time during regular business hours.

How to Become a Sociologist About this section

Sociologists analyze and interpret data on sociological issues in order to test theories.

Most sociology jobs require a master’s degree or Ph.D.


Sociologists typically need a master’s degree or Ph.D. There are two types of sociology master’s degree programs: traditional programs and applied, clinical, and professional programs. Traditional programs prepare students to enter a Ph.D. program. Applied, clinical, and professional programs prepare students to enter the professional workplace, teaching them the necessary analytical skills to perform sociological research in a professional setting.

Most students who complete a Ph.D. in sociology become professors or teachers. For more information, see the profile on postsecondary teachers. However, an increasing number of Ph.D. graduates are becoming research sociologists for nonprofits, businesses, and governments.

Courses in research methods and statistics are important for both master’s and Ph.D. candidates. Many programs also offer opportunities to get experience through internships or by preparing reports for clients.

Although some graduates with a bachelor’s degree find work as sociology research assistants, most find positions in other fields, such as social services, administration, management, or sales and marketing.

Important Qualities

Analytical skills. Sociologists must be able to carefully analyze data and other information, often utilizing statistical processes to test their theories.  

Communication skills. Sociologists need strong communication skills when they conduct interviews, collaborate with colleagues, and present research results.

Critical-thinking skills. Sociologists must be able to think critically when doing research. They must design research projects and collect, process, and analyze information in order to draw logical conclusions about society and the groups it comprises.

Problem-solving skills. Sociologists’ research is typically focused on identifying, studying, and solving sociological problems.

Writing skills. Sociologists frequently write reports detailing their findings.

Pay About this section


Median annual wages, May 2010



Social Scientists and Related Workers


Total, All Occupations



The median annual wage of sociologists was $72,360 in May 2010. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $44,000, and the top 10 percent earned more than $129,870. 

Most sociologists work full time during regular business hours.

Job Outlook About this section


Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20

Social Scientists and Related Workers




Total, All Occupations



Employment of sociologists is expected to grow 18 percent from 2010 to 2020, about as fast as the average for all occupations.

Employment gains will be driven by a growing interest in using sociological research to further understand society and human social interactions. Specifically, social, political, and business organizations will need sociologists to research, evaluate, and address many different social issues, programs, and problems.

In addition, sociologists will be needed to apply sociological principles and research to other disciplines. For example, sociologists may collaborate with researchers in other fields to study how social structures or groups influence policy decisions about health, education, politics, business, or economics.

Job Prospects

Jobseekers can expect to face competition for most sociologist research positions. Sociology is a popular field of study, with a relatively small number of research positions.

Instead, many bachelor’s and master’s degree holders will find positions in related fields, such as social services, education, public policy, or other areas. Although these fields require the skills and concepts that sociologists learn as part of their education, workers should face less competition for positions not specifically labeled as “sociologists.”

Candidates with an advanced degree, strong statistical and research skills, and a background in applied sociology will have the best job prospects.

Employment projections data for sociologists, 2010-20
Occupational Title SOC Code Employment, 2010 Projected Employment, 2020 Change, 2010-20 Employment by Industry
Percent Numeric

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program


19-3041 4,000 4,800 18 700 [XLS]

Similar Occupations About this section

This table shows a list of occupations with job duties that are similar to those of sociologists.

Occupation Job Duties ENTRY-LEVEL EDUCATION Help 2010 MEDIAN PAY Help
Anthropologists and archeologists

Anthropologists and Archeologists

Anthropologists and archeologists study the origin, development, and behavior of human beings, past and present. They examine the cultures, languages, archeological remains, and physical characteristics of people in various parts of the world.

Master’s degree $54,230


Economists study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services.

Bachelor’s degree $89,450


Historians research, analyze, interpret, and present the past by studying a variety of historical documents and sources.

Master’s degree $53,520
Political scientists

Political Scientists

Political scientists study the origin, development, and operation of political systems. They research political ideas and analyze the structure and operation of governments, policies, political trends, and related issues.

Master’s degree $107,420


Psychologists study mental processes and human behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how people and other animals relate to one another and the environment.

See How to Become One $68,640
Social workers

Social Workers

There are two main types of social workers: direct-service social workers, who help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives, and clinical social workers, who diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional issues.

See How to Become One $42,480
Postsecondary teachers

Postsecondary Teachers

Postsecondary teachers instruct students in a wide variety of academic and vocational subjects beyond the high school level. They also conduct research and publish scholarly papers and books.

Doctoral or professional degree $62,050


Statisticians use mathematical techniques to analyze and interpret data and draw conclusions.

Master’s degree $72,830
Survey researchers

Survey Researchers

Survey researchers design or conduct surveys and analyze survey data. Many groups use surveys to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions that help them understand people's opinions, attitudes, beliefs, or desires.

Bachelor’s degree $36,050
Urban and regional planners

Urban and Regional Planners

Urban and regional planners develop plans and programs for the use of land. They use planning to create communities, accommodate growth, or revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

Master’s degree $63,040
Suggested citation:

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Sociologists,
on the Internet at (visited March 17, 2013).

Publish Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2012