• Copyright Office Initiates Triennial 1201 Rulemaking

    Petitions for proposed exemptions must be received no later than November 3, 2014.

  • Copyright Office Announces Release of Compendium, Third Edition

    The Register released a public draft of the "Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices" on

    August 19, 2014.

  • Congressional Hearings on the Review of the Copyright Law

    Copyright hearings in the 113th Congress.

  • Online Registration

    For general questions about copyright, please see Circular 1: Copyright Office Basics and the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Copyright Office website.

  • Office Announces New Fee Schedule

    The new fee schedule for services provided by the Copyright Office went into effect on May 1, 2014. The basic registration fee for a single work by a single author remains at $35.