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  • At the Naval Observatory last week, Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden hosted a barbecue for the athletes representing the United States in the Invictus Games, an inspirational sporting event for wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans.  

    In her welcoming remarks, Dr. Biden said, "this barbecue is not just a way to celebrate your achievements in making the U.S. Team, it is also a small way of saying thank you—to our heroes—thank you for your service and your sacrifice."

    Watch the video:

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  • Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx makes a TIGER grant announcement in Asheville, N.C., September 12, 2014

    Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx makes a TIGER grant announcement in Asheville, N.C., September 12, 2014. (by Katie Bailey/Asheville Citizen-Times)

    Ed. note: This is cross-posted on the U.S. Department of Transportation's blog. See the original post here.

    Today, I’m pleased to announce the sixth round of DOT’s TIGER program. We’re making nearly $600 million in grants available, and awarding them to 72 transportation projects across 46 states and in D.C.

    Over the last six years, we’ve awarded more than $4 billion in these TIGER grants, but this round of investment is probably the most crucial ever.

  • Last year we launched “Of the People: Live from the White House,” a virtual field trip series with Discovery Education to give middle and high school students unique access to the White House and Obama Administration officials.

    On September 17, the “Of the People” series continues with a Constitution Day celebration at the National Archives with Archivist of the United States David Ferriero to learn about the document and the Archives.

    Register now to watch the event live on Wednesday, September 17 at 1:00 p.m. ET.

  • As students head back to school, Secretary Arne Duncan hit the road this week on the Department of Education’s annual back-to-school bus tour to discuss how we can help every student receive a complete and competitive education in order to reach their full potential.

    After all, a high-quality education is a pre-requisite to success in today’s economy. It's a national imperative that every student graduate from high school prepared for college and for a career. And thanks to the dedication of our teachers and educators and the hard work of our students, more young people are graduating and earning their high school diplomas than ever before. 

    Check out the chart below to see how our high school graduation rate is the highest it has ever been -- then share it with everyone who needs to know.

  • Ed. note: This is cross-posted on the U.S. Department of Transportation's blog. See the original post here.

    We all know the “road to prosperity” is a metaphor, but what if it were an actual road?

    The fact is, investing in transportation creates value, and that means it’s a worthwhile investment — for public funds, yes, but also for the private sector. So, with public investments in our nation’s important transportation assets steadily declining, we need to find better ways to partner with private investors to help rebuild America.

    And rebuild America we must. The American Society of Civil Engineers predicts that we’ll face a $1 trillion funding gap for transportation by the end of the decade. More than two-thirds of American roads are in less than good condition, and if you lined up all of the structurally deficient bridges in the country, they would stretch from Boston to Miami.

    It might save money up front for legislators to ignore our infrastructure deficit, but you are paying the price for this head-in-the-sand approach to transportation every day. You pay it in longer commute times — 5.5 billion hours annually — higher vehicle repair costs, and increased spending on wasted fuel. It’s not small change; the extra fuel and lost hours cost Americans about $120 billion a year. And the businesses of our nation pay as well, in additional freight costs to the tune of $27 billion a year.

  • Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President concluded a summit in Wales with NATO allies, hosted a White House meeting with congressional leadership on foreign policy, addressed the nation in primetime, and commemorated the 13th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. That's September 5 to September 11, or "Meeting Those Threats with Strength and Resolve."

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  • President Obama Greets Volunteers on September 11, 2013

    President Barack Obama greets volunteers at Food & Friends during a service project to commemorate the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, in Washington, D.C. September 11, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Today, millions of people across the country will commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 through acts of service. To honor the memories of those we lost, we come together to make our communities better and our world a brighter place through acts of volunteerism.

  • President Obama, Defense Secretary Hagel, and Gen. Martin Dempsey listen to the national anthem, Sept. 11, 2014

    President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, and Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, listen to the national anthem during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Va., Sept. 11, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Thirteen years ago today, our nation was irrevocably changed by horrific acts of terror that took the lives of thousands of innocent people. Across the country, Americans pay tribute to their memories and honor all those who have made great sacrifices in service to our country. 

    At 8:46 a.m. ET this morning, the time that the first plane hit the World Trade Center, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden joined Americans in observing a moment of silence:

  • Tonight, the following message was sent from President Obama to those signed up to receive updates from the White House, outlining his comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy to degrade and destroy ISIL.

    Didn't get the email? Make sure you're signed up to receive updates from the President and other senior Administration officials.

    Good evening,

    I just addressed the nation about what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL.

    Let’s be clear: While this group may call itself the "Islamic State," it is not "Islamic." No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim. Nor is it a "state." It is not recognized by any government, nor by the people it subjugates.

    This is nothing but a terrorist organization with no vision or goal other than to slaughter all who stand in its way. While we have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland, these terrorists have threatened America and our allies. And the United States will meet this threat with strength and resolve.

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    In an address from the State Floor of the White House, President Obama spoke to the nation tonight about ISIL -- and our comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group.

    The President reiterated that as Commander-in-Chief, his “highest priority is the security of the American people,” and noted that we have “consistently taken the fight to terrorists” that threaten the United States:

    We took out Osama bin Laden and much of al Qaeda’s leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  We’ve targeted al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, and recently eliminated the top commander of its affiliate in Somalia.  We’ve done so while bringing more than 140,000 American troops home from Iraq, and drawing down our forces in Afghanistan, where our combat mission will end later this year.  Thanks to our military and counterterrorism professionals, America is safer. 

    “Still,” he said, “we continue to face a terrorist threat.”

    We can’t erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm.  That was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today.  And that’s why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge.  At this moment, the greatest threats come from the Middle East and North Africa, where radical groups exploit grievances for their own gain.  And one of those groups is ISIL -- which calls itself the “Islamic State.”

  • President Obama and Vice President Biden Meet with National Security Council to Discuss ISIL

    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet with members of the National Security Council in the Situation Room of the White House. September 10, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Tonight at 9 p.m. ET, President Obama will address the nation on the United States' strategy to degrade and destroy ISIL. You can watch the President's address from the State Floor of the White House live at


  • The President and First Lady 9/11 Service Project

    On September 11, 2009, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama joined AmeriCorps members and volunteers in painting a Habitat for Humanity home in Washington, D.C., joining Americans across the country who marked the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by participating in service and remembrance activities. September 11, 2009. (by Ralph Alswang)

    Twenty years ago, our nation started a new chapter in our proud tradition of citizen service. AmeriCorps represented a new way of getting things done: passionate citizens making an intense commitment to solve problems and improve the lives of others while expanding opportunity for themselves.

    Since then, more than 900,000 men and women have taken the AmeriCorps pledge, improving the lives of millions of Americans and strengthening the ties that bind us together as a nation. AmeriCorps members are symbols of hope and optimism wherever they serve, and represent the best qualities of our nation and its people.

  • Vice President Biden on the 20th Anniversary of VAWA

    Vice President Joe Biden speaks on the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, at the National Archives, in Washington, D.C. September 9, 2014. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)

    Twenty years ago this week, President Clinton signed into law the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) -- a landmark law that empowered women and children to expose and prosecute domestic violence. The signing of the law marked the end of an arduous road to pass the legislation and put our society on the path toward effectively combating such heinous abuses. Vice President Joe Biden, then a U.S. Senator, not only authored VAWA, but helped drive it through Congress and deliver it to the President's desk. 

    Today, standing in front of the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives, Vice President Biden reflected on how far we've come in our ability -- and willingness -- to address domestic violence:

    Even just 20 years ago, few people wanted to talk about violence against women as a national epidemic, let alone something to do something about. No one even back then denied that kicking your wife in the stomach, or smashing her in the face, or pushing her down the stairs in public was repugnant. But our society basically turned a blind eye. And hardly anyone ever intervened, directly intervened -- other than my father and a few other people I knew.

    And no one -- virtually no one called it a crime. It was a family affair. It was a family affair. Laws -- state laws when we attempted at a state or a federal level to design laws to prevent actions that were said that we now are celebrating, we were told, I was told, many of us were told that it would cause the disintegration of the family. That was the phrase used. It would cause the disintegration of the family.

    "This was the ugliest form of violence that exists," he said, and though many wanted to see these crimes remain hidden in the shadows, the Vice President was committed to bringing them out into the light. "We had to let the nation know," he said, "because I was absolutely convinced -- and remain absolutely convinced -- in the basic decency of the American people, and that if they knew, they would begin to demand change."

    "The only way to change this culture was to expose it . . . the best disinfectant is sunlight."

  • This week marks the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, which was signed into law on September 13, 1994. The President issued a proclamation commemorating that anniversary. You can read the full text of that proclamation below.

    Twenty years ago, our Nation came together to declare our commitment to end violence against women. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), written by then United States Senator Joe Biden and signed into law on September 13, 1994, changed the way our country responds to domestic abuse and sexual assault. At a time when many considered domestic abuse to be a private family matter and victims were left to suffer in silence, this law enshrined a simple promise: every American should be able to pursue her or his own measure of happiness free from the fear of harm.

    On the anniversary of this landmark legislation, we rededicate ourselves to strengthening the protections it first codified, and we reaffirm the basic human right to be free from violence and abuse.

  • Ed. note: This is cross-posted on the U.S. Department of Energy's blog. See the original post here.

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    Meet Mallory Lindgren, a project manager at a Minnesota-based land and energy development consulting firm, and the latest profile in the Energy Department’s #WomenInSTEM video series. This series celebrates the amazing work of women across the energy sector while providing a new generation of students with a diverse set of role models as they begin their careers in science.

    Mallory’s interest in STEM (short for science, technology, engineering, and math) dates back to her childhood and a curiosity about the how the Earth’s natural systems work. Growing up, Mallory’s mother encouraged this inquisitiveness through Star Trek and other science-based TV shows. But it was an environmental science class in college that helped Mallory understand how different fields of science are related and led to a degree in hydrology and, eventually, her career in the energy sector.

  • Students at Booker T. Washington High School Listen to First Lady Michelle Obama

    Students at Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta listen to First Lady Michelle Obama speak on preparing for higher education. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Education by Joshua Hoover.

    First Lady Michelle Obama was at Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, Ga., yesterday, to help kick off the Department of Education’s annual back-to-school bus tour, and to encourage students to take charge of their futures and complete an education beyond high school as part of her Reach Higher initiative.

    Booker T. Washington High School opened its doors in 1924 and was the first public high school for African-Americans in Georgia. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is among the school’s graduates. The First Lady began her visit by joining Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for a quick stop at a college fair, and to listen to students talk about their experience in searching out schools and getting help from their counselors.

  • It’s time for our children to head back to school, and as classrooms and notebooks begin to fill up again, I’m increasingly optimistic about our country’s ability to elevate and strengthen education. With high school graduation rates at an all-time high, and big jumps in the number of students going to college over the last few years, it’s a good time to celebrate the teachers, principals, families, and students who have driven that success. And, it’s a good time to talk about the work ahead in ensuring that strong educational opportunities are a reality for every child in America.

    For the fifth year in a row, I’m hitting the road for our Department’s back-to-school bus tour. This year’s tour is themed “Partners in Progress,” and I’ll be traveling through Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee to see innovation in education at work, and to discuss progress, promise, and results.

    Today, I’m taking over the White House’s Instagram account to give you a behind-the-scenes look as I meet teachers, parents, students, and education leaders who have been partners in making progress for our nation’s children. Keep checking back throughout the day for more photos, and remember that the tour won’t end today, so stay up-to-date with our tour by following me on Twitter, by checking out the hashtag #EDTour14, and by visiting

  • As the last stop on his three-day trip to Estonia and to the NATO Summit in Wales, President Obama visits the prehistoric monument Stonehenge.

  • Vice President Biden Delivers the Weekly Address

    Vice President Joe Biden tapes the Weekly Address in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Sept. 5, 2014. September 5, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

    In this week’s address, the Vice President discusses our continued economic recovery, with 10 million private sector jobs created over 54 straight months of job creation. Yet even with this good news, too many Americans are still not seeing the effects of our recovery.

    As the Vice President explains, there’s more that can be done to continue to bolster our economy and ensure that middle class families benefit from the growth they helped create, including closing tax loopholes, expanding education opportunities, and raising the minimum wage.

    Transcript | mp4 | mp3

  • This week, the economy added 10 million jobs; the country celebrated 50 years of environmental conservation; and the President spoke about the enduring strength of democracy to the people of Estonia.

    Check out what else you may have missed in this week’s wrap up.

    10 Million Jobs

    This week, American businesses officially marked the creation of 10 million new jobs in the last 54 months. 10 million.

    And while there’s a lot more work to do, President Obama has made good on his promise of a “year of action.” Here are some of the ways we’ve made our economy stronger than ever:

    • Automobile production has skyrocketed and the automobile industry has hit its highest production rate since 2002.
    • Our businesses are exporting more goods and services.
    • New home construction has hit groundbreaking new levels since the recession.
    • American consumers are spending billions more on goods and services.