Blueprint for Stronger Service | USDA
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Blueprint for Stronger Service

$700 million of your tax dollars saved.

Faced with an ever more uncertain Federal budget and more potential cuts on the horizon, USDA has taken proactive steps to reduce spending, streamline operations and cut costs. Meanwhile, we have worked hard to ensure that USDA's millions of customers across rural America receive stronger service.

USDA's efforts have saved taxpayers more than $700 million.

In 2012, Secretary Vilsack launched the Blueprint for Stronger Service, directing USDA agencies to take steps to cut costs and modernize operations. In the past year, we have carried out workforce reductions, closed offices and laboratories, implemented modern cloud computing efforts to cut costs, and much more.

But we know that there is more to be done. USDA continues looking for ways to improve, innovate and modernize. We believe there is additional opportunity to manage budget cuts proactively and effectively, while providing rural America with modern and efficient service.

2012 Announcement of the Blueprint for Stronger Service

Fact Sheets:
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