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Home > Statistics > Bankstats > Bankstats (Monetary & Financial Statistics) - July 2014

Bankstats (Monetary & Financial Statistics) - July 2014

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A Money & Lending
B Monetary financial institutions' balance sheets, income & expenditure
C Further analyses of deposits and lending
D Public sector debt and money markets operations etc (including reserves)
E Capital issuance: bonds, equities and commercial paper
F Financial derivatives
G Interest and exchange rates etc.

A Money & Lending

A1.1.1 Notes and coin and reserves balances
A2.1.1 Growth rates of M4 and M4 lending
A2.2.1 Components of M4
A2.2.3 Monthly M4 and M4 lending excluding intermediate OFCs
A2.3 M3 (Estimate of EMU aggregate for the UK)
A3.1 Monetary financial institutions balance sheet counterparts to M4
A3.2 Counterparts to changes in M4: alternative presentation
A4.1 Sectoral analysis of M4 & M4 lending
A4.3 Sectoral analysis of M4 lending excluding the effects of securitisations and loan transfers
A5.2 Total lending to individuals excluding student loans
A5.3 Lending secured on dwellings
A5.4 Approvals for lending secured on dwellings
A5.5 Repayments of lending to individuals
A5.6 Consumer credit excluding student loans
A5.7 Monthly acquisitions of mortgage and consumer credit portfolios
A6.1 Sectoral deposits and Divisia money
A7.1 Liquid assets outside M4
A8.1 Monetary financial institutions loans to non-financial businesses, by size of business

B Monetary financial institutions' balance sheets, income & expenditure

B1.1.1 Central bank's balance sheet - Bank of England 'Bank return'
B1.4 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank) balance sheet
B1.4.1.1 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - UK
B1.4.1.2 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - other EU
B1.4.1.3 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - US
B1.4.1.4 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - Japan
B1.4.1.5 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - other developed countries
B1.4.1.6 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank):Group detail - other nationalities
B1.5 Monetary financial institutions securitisation activity
B1.6 Monetary financial institutions securitisation issuance by own SPVs
B1.7 Monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank): Holdings of UK government securities
B2.1 Monetary financial institutions consolidated balance sheet
B2.1.1 Monetary financial institutions consolidated balance sheet - further sectoral breakdown
B2.2 Central bank's contribution to the monetary financial institution consolidated balance sheet
B2.2.1 Central bank's contribution to monetary financial institution consolidated balance sheet (Expanded version)
B2.5 Monetary financial institutions (excluding Central Bank) contribution to the MFIs' consolidated balance sheet
B3.1 Monetary financial institutions' quarterly income and expenditure
 B3.2 Monetary financial institutions' annual profit and loss

C Further analyses of deposits and lending

C1.1 Industrial analysis of monetary financial institutions deposits from UK residents
C1.2 Industrial analysis of monetary financial institutions lending to UK residents
C2.1 Write-offs of loans by banks and building societies
C3.1 Changes to the external business of monetary financial institutions operating in the UK
 C3.2 External business of monetary financial institutions operating in the UK
 C3.3 External business of monetary financial institutions operating in the UK by currency and sector
 C4.2 Consolidated external claims and unused commitments of UK-owned monetary financial institutions (excluding central bank) and their branches and subsidiaries worldwide
C5.1 Monetary financial institutions in Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man balance sheet

D Public sector debt and money markets operations etc (including reserves)

D2.1.1 Official rates and ranges by maintenance period
D2.2.1 Bank of England sterling monetary framework assets and liabilities by maintenance period
D2.2.2 Collateral held by the Bank of England in its Sterling Monetary Framework operations by Maintenance Period
D2.2.3 Daily Flows - Open Market Operations by Maintenance Period
D2.2.4 Bank of England discount window facility lending
 D2.3.1 Asset Purchase Facility
 D3.1 Gilt repo and stock lending
D4.1 UK international reserves
D5.1 Bank of England foreign currency liabilities and assets

E Capital issuance: bonds, equities and commercial paper

E3.1 Capital issuance by UK residents

F Financial derivatives

F1.1 Financial derivative positions of UK resident banks

G Interest and exchange rates etc.

G1.1 Interest rates
G1.2 Yields and exchange rates
G1.3 Average quoted household interest rates
G1.4 UK MFIs' (excluding central bank) effective interest rates
G1.5 UK MFIs' (excluding central bank) distribution of balances within effective interest rates