Series: Cookworm

A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones - review

Jones outlines her food philosophy in a clear and concise style, but her keen eye for the beauty in cooking disguises how much you’re learning

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Anna Jones
To sum up the way she eats, Anna Jones refers to Michael Pollan’s adage: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Photograph: Guardian

In a nutshell
Cook, food stylist and writer Jones is a graduate from Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen who has spent the past 10 years working all across the contemporary food landscape, from TV shows to TED cooking classes. This is her first solo outing.

What does it cover?
Simple, seasonal, veg-led fare that is as delicious as it is virtuous – from wake-me-up pudding breakfasts to hearty dinners crowd pleasers and serious sweet treats.

A Modern Way to Eat
A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones

What’s so special?
Jones outlines her food philosophy in a clear and concise, quasi tutorial-style, with the help of charts, lists and methods. But her keen eye for the beauty in cooking disguises how much you’re learning – each photo is an invitation to pull up a chair and dig in.

Who would like it?
The budding and veteran vegetarian alike, as well as anyone interested in ethical eating.

Who wouldn’t like it?
To sum up the way she eats, Jones refers to Michael Pollan’s adage: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” If that doesn’t pique your interest, this book might not either.

Best recipe?
The cherry poppy seed waffles are as pretty as a picture, and mouthwatering to boot. And the mushroom and parsnip rosti pie is a feast waiting to happen.

Anything else?
The green charts dotted in between recipes are fantastically useful – from “One Soup: 1,000 variations” to “Vegetable Underdogs: What to do with all the weird stuff”. Make copies and stick ‘em on your fridge.

We say
Even if you’re a die-hard carnivore, read what Jones has to say – her subtle, beautiful, delectable dishes might just bring you round.

To buy A Modern Way to Eat for £17.49 (RRP £25) visit or ring 0330 333 6846

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