Dan Page’s Deeply Disturbing Views on Race, Sexual Assault, and Government 

Reporting on Politics and Policy.
Aug. 26 2014 10:49 AM

Dan Page’s Deeply Disturbing Views on Race, Sexual Assault, and Government 

Dan Page likes to rant.

Screengrab via thenewsurvivalist/YouTube

Does it come as a shock that Officer Dan Page, who was suspended by the St. Louis County Police Department after shoving CNN correspondent Don Lemon mid-reporting, has some bizarre and offensive ideas about blacks, women, and the government? A number of outlets have pointed to a rant Page delivered earlier this year.*

In a handful of interviews unearthed by Rachel Tabachnick of Political Research Associates, Pages further opines that there is a military plot to overthrow the United States and establish a one-world government, that sexual assault in the military is “99.9 percent” fictitious, and that “through our government education system your Caucasian females are telling young black males that the white male is the enemy.” Listen to him for yourself:


Page on TruNews, a right-wing radio program, talking about world government on July 10, 2014:

Page discusses “bogus” military sexual assault on the John Moore Radio Show, May 12, 2014:

Page’s rhetoric on race from a Caravan to Midnight interview May 29, 2014 is deeply disturbing: 

Anyone has the right to think what he wants, even as troubling and utterly wrong-headed as those ideas may be. But as the recent unrest in Ferguson amply demonstrated, when those ideas are held by those tasked with enforcing law and order, it’s not hard to see how things can go terribly wrong.

Update, August 26, 2014: This post has been updated to include an additional video. 

Boer Deng is a Slate editorial assistant. Follow her on Twitter