Jean Tirole

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Jean Tirole
Tirole jean.JPG
Jean Tirole in 2007.
Born (1953-08-09) August 9, 1953 (age 61)
Troyes, France
Nationality France
Institution Toulouse School of Economics
Field Microeconomics
Game theory
Alma mater

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paris Dauphine University
École nationale des ponts et chaussées

École Polytechnique
Information at IDEAS/RePEc

Jean Tirole (born August 9, 1953) is a French professor of economics. He works on industrial organization, game theory, banking and finance, and economics and psychology. Tirole is chairman of the board of the Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation at the Toulouse School of Economics, scientific director of the Industrial Economics Institute (IDEI) in Toulouse and founding member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST). After receiving his PhD from MIT in 1981, he worked as a researcher at l'École nationale des ponts et chaussées until 1984. From 1984-1991 he worked as a Professor of Economics at MIT. He was president of the Econometric Society in 1998 and of the European Economic Association in 2001. He is still affiliated with MIT, where he holds a visiting position and is a member of the "Académie des Sciences morales et politiques" since 2011.


Tirole received engineering degrees from the École Polytechnique in Paris in 1976, and from École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Paris (1978) and a "Doctorat de 3ème cycle" in decision mathematics from the Paris Dauphine University (1978). In 1981 he received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Awards and certificates[edit]

Jean Tirole received Doctorates Honoris Causa from the Free University of Brussels in 1989, the London Business School and the University of Montreal in 2007, the University of Mannheim in 2011, the Athens University of Economics and Business and the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2012,[1] the inaugural BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Management category in 2008, the Public Utility Research Center Distinguished Service Award (University of Florida) in 1997, and the Yrjö Jahnsson Award of the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and the European Economic Association in 1993. He is a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1993) and of the American Economic Association (1993). He has also been a Sloan Fellow (1985) and a Guggenheim Fellow (1988). He was a fellow of the Econometric Society in 1986 and an Economic Theory Fellow (Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory) in 2011. In 2007 he was awarded the highest award (the Gold Medal or médaille d'or) of the French CNRS. In 2008, he received the Prix du Cercle d'Oc; in 2009, he received an Outstanding Contributions to the Profession Award (International Association for Energy Economics); in 2010, he was granted the Chicago Mercantile Exchange – Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (CME-MSRI) prize in Innovative Quantitative Innovations in Finance, the Tjalling Koopmans Asset Award (Tilburg University, and the "Prix Claude Levi-Strauss". He is among the most influential economist in the world according to IDEAS/RePEc.[2]

Besides his numerous academic distinctions, he was the recipient of the Gold Medal of the city of Toulouse in 2007 ; Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur (2007), Officier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite (2010).

He has given several prestigious invited lectures, including the Hicks lecture (Oxford 1992), the Walras-Pareto lectures (Lausanne 1992), the Schumpeter lecture (European Economic Association 1993), the Pazner lecture (Tel Aviv 1993), the Walras-Bowley lecture (Econometric Society 1994), the Munich lectures (Munich 1996),the JMCB lecture(1999), the Wicksell lectures(1999), the Baffi lectures (Bank of Italy, 2000), the Scribner lectures and the Frank Graham lecture at Princeton (2002), the Marshall lectures in Cambridge (2003), the Tinbergen lecture in Amsterdam (2003), the David Kinley lectures at University of Illinois (2005), the inaugural JEEA lecture (2005), the inaugural Telecom Italia lecture (Milan, 2005), the Snyder lecture (UCSB, 2005); the Rosenthal lecture (BU 2006); the Yearly inaugural lecture (Lliçó d'Economia), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2006) ; Keynote lecture, European Summer Symposium in Labor Economics, Ammersee (2006); the Plenary lecture, LACEA-LAMES meetings, Mexico City (2006) ; (First) Pareto lecture in Economics, Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Torino (2007); Keynote lecture, Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics, conference "Incentives in Economics", Nuremberg ( 2007); Keynote lecture, Cambridge – MIT conference "Policies for a Sustainable and Secure Electricity Market" September 27(2007); Invited Conference, 100th Anniversary, HEC Montreal, October 23 (2007); Leçon inaugurale, Chaire "Finance Durable et Investissement Responsable," Paris,January 30 (2008) ; Keynote Lecture, Public Economics Conference in memory of Louis-André Gérard Varet, Marseille, June (2008); Conference Jean-Jacques Laffont, annual AFSE Congress, September (2008); Keynote lecture, AFSE conference on "Frontiers in Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management," Toulouse (2008); Mundell-Fleming lecture, IMF annual research conference, Washington (2008); Oskar Morgenstern lecture, third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Northwestern University (2008); Manchot lecture, University of Bonn (2009) ; Coase lecture, London School of Economics (2009) ; Angelo Costa lecture, Rome (2009); Dunaway lecture, Michigan State University (2009); Yoram Ben-Porath lecture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2009); Keynote lecture, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics meetings, Ljubljana (2009); Wenner-Gren Foundation Distinguished lectures, Stockholm (2009); Keynote lecture, colloque annuel de l’association francophone de GRH, Toulouse (2009); Eitan Berglas lecture, Tel-Aviv University (2010); Arrow lectures, Stanford University (2010); Keynote lecture, Second Paris Spring Corporate Finance Conference (2010); Keynote lecture, 4th Word Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Montreal (2010); Academic Year Opening Lecture, CEMFI, Madrid (2010); Keynote lecture, Asset International Conference, Tilburg (2010); Keynote lecture, Conference on Portuguese Economic Development, Banco de Portugal (2010); Keynote lecture, European Association of Law and Economics Annual Conference, Paris (2010); Max Weber lecture, European University Institute, Florence (2011); Keynote lecture, XVIII Encuentros de Economía Pública, Malaga (2011); Barcelona Graduate School of Economics lecture (2011); Hahn lecture, Royal Economic Society Conference, Royal Holloway (2011); Jacob Marschak Econometric Society lecture, Santiago de Chile, LACEA-LAMES (2011); Nancy Schwartz Memorial lecture, Northwestern University (2012); Judge Ralph Winter lecture, Yale University (2012); T. Koopmans lectures, Yale University(2012).


Jean Tirole has published about two hundred professional articles in economics and finance, as well as 10 books including The Theory of Industrial Organization, Game Theory (with Drew Fudenberg), A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with Mathias Dewatripont), Competition in Telecommunications (with Jean-Jacques Laffont), Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System, and The Theory of Corporate Finance. His research covers industrial organization, regulation, game theory, banking and finance, psychology and economics, international finance and macroeconomics.


  • Dynamic Models of Oligopoly (with D. Fudenberg), 1986. [1]
  • The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press. (1988) Description and chapter-preview links.
  • Game Theory (with D. Fudenberg), MIT Press, 1991 [2].
  • A Theory of Incentives in Regulation and Procurement (with J.-J. Laffont), MIT Press,1993. Description & chapter- preview links.
  • The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with M. Dewatripont), MIT Press,1994. [3]
  • Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 1999 [4].
  • Financial Crises, Liquidity and the International Monetary System, Princeton University Press, 2002 [5].
  • The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, 2005. Description. Association of American Publishers 2006 Award for Excellence.
  • Balancing the Banks (with Ma Dewatripont, and Jean-Charles Rochet), Princeton University Press, 2010 [6].
  • Inside and Outside Liquidity (with Bengt Holmström), MIT Press, 2011 [7].


External links[edit]