RegData is an innovative new way of measuring the size and scope of US federal regulation. It is currently in beta. We welcome your feedback.

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    About RegData

    Welcome to RegData, developed by Patrick A. McLaughlin, Omar Al-Ubaydli, and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. RegData is an innovative new way of measuring the size and scope of US federal regulation that allows for quantification by regulator and industry. RegData is currently in beta, and we welcome your feedback.

    About Mercatus Regulatory Studies

    The Mercatus Center has developed several tools to help stakeholders analyze and critique proposed regulations and comment on them in a way that will make agencies more likely to respond. In addition to RegData, these tools include the Regulatory Cost Calculator, which helps stakeholders assess the prospective costs of new regulations proposed by agencies; Regulatory Report Cards, which identify the degree to which agencies follow best practices for regulatory analysis; and Mercatus public interest comments, which concisely critique the Regulatory Impact Analysis for many economically significant federal regulations. Learn more about the latest regulatory studies research from the Mercatus Center.