Streamlining Financial Conflict of Interest Reporting in eRA Commons

Reporting financial conflicts of interest is extremely important to maintaining public trust in the biomedical research supported by NIH. The latest update to eRA Commons contains many enhancements to the financial conflict of interest (FCOI) reporting module to improve institutional reporting and promote compliance by NIH grantees. Some of these enhancements include …. Continue reading

Reminder About Confidentiality in NIH Peer Review

Imagine: You’re serving as a peer reviewer for an upcoming NIH study section, and you are assigned an application that references your colleague’s work. You think your colleague’s input would be helpful in writing your critique of the application. Should you share the information with your colleague? No! Maintaining confidentiality throughout the peer review process is essential to …. Continue reading

May 26, 2014: NIH Closed for Federal Holiday

NIH (including help desks) will be closed Monday, May 26, 2014 (Memorial Day). If a postmark/submission date falls on this federal holiday, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day. Additionally, as announced earlier, we’ll be upgrading our electronic Research Administration (eRA) systems and taking them offline for …. Continue reading

A Look at Programs Targeting New Scientists

The strength of the biomedical research enterprise depends on new researchers becoming independent NIH-funded researchers, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives for solving scientific questions. As we have discussed here and in other venues, we are keenly aware that the long training period, aging of the biomedical workforce, and the fiscally challenging times all impact the ability of individuals to move from training positions into independent research positions. …. Continue reading

Join Me and Many Other NIH Experts at the NIH Regional Seminar

One of my favorite opportunities to meet face-to-face with the extramural research community each year is at the NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration. If you or someone you know is new to working with NIH – or maybe just in need of a brush up on NIH funding and related topics – consider joining me June 26-27 in Baltimore, MD for the 2014 NIH Regional Seminar. …. Continue reading

A Change in Our Resubmission Policy

We have had much discussion on this blog about NIH’s resubmission policy (most often referred to as the NIH A2 policy). I have also heard from many of you in a variety of forums, expressing serious concerns about the impact of NIH’s resubmission policy on applicants during these times of tight funding. We’ve listened to your concerns, and we are making changes. …. Continue reading

New Data on Peer Review Across NIH

RePORT is your go-to source for NIH data, and I’m excited to let you know about a new addition to the NIH Data Book on RePORT: data on peer review across NIH. The new “NIH Peer Review” section provides information related to initial peer review across NIH. It includes data on peer review organized by the Center of Scientific Review as well as by NIH institutes and centers. …. Continue reading