Natural Gas

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Natural Gas Annual

With Data for 2011 | Release Date:  January 7, 2013 | Next Release:  December 31, 2013 | full report

Previous Issues of Natural Gas Annual

Data Tablesall tables

1 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
2 Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Consumption by State, 2011 PDF CSV
3 Gross Withdrawals and Marketed Production of Natural Gas by State and the Gulf of Mexico, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
4 Offshore Gross Withdrawals of Natural Gas by State and the Gulf of Mexico, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
5 Number of Producing Gas Wells by State and the Gulf of Mexico, December 31, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
6 Natural Gas Processed, Liquids Extracted, and Estimated Extraction Loss by State, 2011 PDF CSV
7 Supplemental Gas Supplies by State, 2011 PDF CSV
Imports and Exports
8 Summary of U.S. Natural Gas Imports, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
9 Summary of U.S. Natural Gas Exports, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
10 Summary of U.S. Natural Gas Imports by Point of Entry, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
11 Summary of U.S. Natural Gas Exports by Point of Exit, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
Movements and Storage
12 Interstate Movements and Movements Across U.S. Borders of Natural Gas by State, 2011 PDF CSV
13 Additions to and Withdrawals from Gas Storage by State, 2011 PDF CSV
14 Underground Natural Gas Storage Capacity by State, December 31, 2011 PDF CSV
15 Consumption of Natural Gas by State and by State, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
16 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by Sector and by State, 2011 PDF CSV
17 Natural Gas Delivered to Residential Consumers for the Account of Others by State, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
18 Natural Gas Delivered to Commercial Consumers for the Account of Others by State, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
19 Natural Gas Delivered to Industrial Consumers for the Account of Others by State, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
20 Number of Natural Gas Residential Consumers by Type of Service and State, 2010-2011 PDF CSV
21 Number of Natural Gas Commercial Consumers by Type of Service and State, 2010-2011 PDF CSV
22 Number of Natural Gas Industrial Consumers by Type of Service and State, 2010-2011 PDF CSV
Consumer Prices
23 Average City Gate Price of Natural Gas in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
24 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by State, 2011 PDF CSV
25 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Residential and Commercial Sector Consumers by Local Distribution and Marketers in Selected States, 2010-2011 PDF CSV
26 Percent Distribution of Natural Gas Supply and Disposition by State, 2011 PDF CSV
27 Percent Distribution of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers by State, 2011 PDF CSV
State Summaries
S1 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Alabama, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S2 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Alaska, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S3 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Arizona, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S4 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Arkansas, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S5 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - California, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S6 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Colorado, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S7 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Connecticut, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S8 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Delaware, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S9 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - District of Columbia, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S10 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Florida, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S11 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Georgia, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S12 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Gulf of Mexico, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S13 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Hawaii, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S14 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Idaho, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S15 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Illinois, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S16 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Indiana, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S17 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Iowa, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S18 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Kansas, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S19 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Kentucky, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S20 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Louisiana, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S21 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Maine, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S22 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Maryland, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S23 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Massachusetts, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S24 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Michigan, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S25 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Minnesota, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S26 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Mississippi, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S27 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Missouri, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S28 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Montana, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S29 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Nebraska, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S30 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Nevada, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S31 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New Hampshire, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S32 Summary Statisvtics for Natural Gas - New Jersey, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S33 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New Mexico, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S34 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - New York, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S35 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - North Carolina, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S36 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - North Dakota, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S37 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Ohio, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S38 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Oklahoma, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S39 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Oregon, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S40 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Pennsylvania, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S41 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Rhode Island, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S42 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - South Carolina, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S43 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - South Dakota, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S44 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Tennessee, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S45 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Texas, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S46 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Utah, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S47 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Vermont, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S48 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Virginia, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S49 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Washington, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S50 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - West Virginia, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S51 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Wisconsin, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
S52 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas - Wyoming, 2007-2011 PDF CSV  
1 Selected Average Prices of Natural Gas in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF
2 Natural Gas Supply and Disposition in the United States, 2011 PDF
3 Marketed Production of Natural Gas in the United States and the Gulf of Mexico, 2011 PDF
4 Marketed Production of Natural Gas in Selected States and the Gulf of Mexico, 2010-2011 PDF
5 Percentage Change in Natural Gas Dry Production and Number of Gas Wells in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF
Imports and Exports
6 Natural Gas Processing in the United States and the Gulf of Mexico, 2011 PDF
7 Net Imports as a Percentage of Total Consumption of Natural Gas, 2007-2011 PDF
8 Net LNG Imports as a Percentage of Total Net Imports of Natural Gas, 2007-2011 PDF
9 Flow of Natural Gas Imports, 2007-2011 PDF
10 Flow of Natural Gas Exports, 2007-2011 PDF
11 U.S. Pipeline and LNG Imports of Natural Gas, 2007-2011 PDF
12 U.S. Imports from Canada at the Five Highest Volume Points of Entry, 2007-2011 PDF
13 U.S. Natural Gas LNG Imports by Point of Entry, 2007-2011 PDF
Movements and Storage
14 Principal Interstate Natural Gas Flow Summary, 2011 PDF
15 Net Interstate Movements, Imports, and Exports of Natural Gas in the United States, 2011 PDF
16 Locations of Existing Natural Gas Underground Storage Fields in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF
17 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF
18 Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 2011 PDF
19 Percent of Natural Gas Deliveries in the United States Representing Deliveries for the Account of Others, by Consumer Sector, 2007-2011 PDF
Consumer Prices
20 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Consumers in the United States, 2007-2011 PDF
21 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to Residential Consumers, 1980-2011 PDF
22 Average Citygate Price of Natural Gas in the United States, 2011 PDF
23 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Residential Consumers, 2011 PDF
24 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Commercial Consumers, 2011 PDF
25 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Onsystem Industrial Consumers, 2011 PDF
26 Average Price of Natural Gas Delivered to U.S. Electric Power Consumers, 2011 PDF
A Summary of Data Collection Operations and Report Methodology, 2007-2011 PDF
  Form EIA-176 PDF
  Form EIA-895 PDF
  Form EIA-910 PDF
B Metric and Thermal Conversion Tables PDF
Appendix Tables
A1 Natural Gas Losses and Unaccounted for by State, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
A2 Natural Gas Processing Plant Capacity, by State, 2012 PDF CSV
B1 Summary Statistics for Natural Gas in the United States, Metric Equivalents, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
B2 Thermal Conversion Factors and Data, 2007-2011 PDF CSV
Appendix Figures
A1 Natural Gas Processing Plant Capacity in the United States, 2012 PDF
  Natural Gas Annual Glossary PDF

Natural Gas Annual Contacts


Average Consumer Price of Natural Gas in the United States, 2007-2011

figure data

  • The 2011 Natural Gas Annual shows newly revised natural gas gross production data from shale and coalbed methane from 2007 to 2011. Using data from the states and other sources, the data show gross production from shale reaching 30 percent of total gross production in 2011 after comprising only 8 percent of gross production in 2007. Conversely, gross production from coalbed methane, while around 2 trillion cubic feet a year since 2007, has been declining slightly each year, percentage-wise, since peaking at 8 percent of gross production in 2007, down to 6 percent in 2011.



Respondent/Company Level Natural Gas Data Files

  • Annual Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition Company level data (1997 to 2011) as reported on Form EIA-176 and detailed annual data (2005 to 2011) of storage field capacity, field type, and maximum deliverability as of December 31st of the report year, as reported by operators of all U.S. underground natural gas storage fields are provided in the Natural Gas Annual Respondent Query System.