APS in the News

Iran's Brain Drain Problem
September 4, 2014
Scientists are leaving Iran in droves, in part to avoid the fate suffered by imprisoned physicist Omid Kokabee.
Gray arrow Article: Huffington Post
Gray arrow Prize: 2014 Andrei Sakharov

Hunting for Dark Energy
September 3, 2014
New approaches seek to nail down dark energy and discover how it might be accelerating the universe’s growth.
Gray arrow Article: New Scientist
Gray arrow Abstract: Physical Review D

Lithium Lacking in Big Bang
September 2, 2014
Almost all lithium-6 was produced well after the Big Bang – something that current theories of nucleosynthesis cannot explain.
Gray arrow Article: Physics World
Gray arrow Abstract: Physical Review Letters

Tetraquark Questions
August 29, 2014
Newly discovered particles have incited a fierce debate about matter at the quantum scale.
Gray arrow Article: Quanta Magazine
Gray arrow Synopsis: Physics

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APS JournalsAPS Journals Launch Full-Text HTML
APS now offers mobile friendly full-text HTML versions of more than 200,000 articles throughout the APS journal collection.
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Laura Greene In the August/September Issue of APS News...
2015 APS Election Results, science in Sao Paulo, CERN turns 60, the future of U.S. ITER contributions, and more.
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CUWiP Applications Now OpenAPS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Applications for APS CUWiP 2015 are now open. These conferences provide students with information and resources to continue their careers in physics.
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Mac BeasleyAPS News Special Edition
Learn about the proposed changes to APS Governance. In early October, APS Members will be asked to vote on this important issue.
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APS Bridge Program RFPApply to Become a Funded APS Bridge Site
The APS Bridge Program is now accepting proposals for new Bridge Sites for the 2014-2015 academic year.
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DOE Joins the CHORUSDOE Joins the CHORUS
The Department of Energy recently announced its plan to allow the public to freely read academic journal articles by researchers supported by federal funding.
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International Physics OlympiadU.S. Physics Olympians Bring Home Gold and Silver
The United States tied with four other nations to place fifth at this year's International Physics Olympiad. The team brought home three gold and two silver medals.
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Mid-Atlantic Section MeetingNew APS Mid-Atlantic Section to Meet at Penn State
The newest regional section of APS will host its inaugural meeting at Pennsylvania State University in October. Abstract submission and registration are open now.
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APS Governance Changes

APS belongs to all of you
Inform yourself about proposed changes to APS Governance and Leadership Structures.
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Honors Spotlight

2014 APS John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research Recipient

LaHaye Robert J. LaHaye
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