November 5, 2013, at 10:12 PM

Chris Christie and Terry McAuliffe, Bill de Blasio and Marty Walsh, this is your election:

1. Ken Cuccinelli almost won. Maybe it's true that Ken Cuccinelli lost because he was associated with the Tea Party wing of the GOP, which was supposed to have been the story line. But the truth, as votes still trickle in, is that he was 10,000 votes away from winning. That means that had the government not shut down, had Terry McAuliffe made one more mistake, had the timing of the Tea Party revolution in the House come just a month earlier, Cuccinelli might have weathered his party's misdeeds and succeeded....  More»

November 1, 2013, at 9:14 PM

Don't wait until November 15 to read all 473 pages of Double Down, the 2012 installment of Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's campaign biography. Copies of the book are popping up in bookstores, and there's been lot of TV coverage of the behind-the-scenes relationship between the Clintons and the Obamas. (Not really news, but plenty of color: They're not each other's best friends, but they've grown on each other.) Here are seven other points of color, each of which illustrates a deeper political dynamic.

1. Far from being annoyed with Vice President Joe Biden, Obama developed a deep affection for him, prizing his intelligence, his loyalty, and his truth-telling. When Biden returned to the White House after visiting his son Beau, who had been hospitalized for a neurological condition, Obama "came sprinting down the hall to the White House....  More»

October 29, 2013, at 6:42 PM

It’s a snowy day in January 2009. Four men and one woman gather in a small basement-level conference room near the National Security Operations Center of the National Security Agency. Its door, about two inches' worth of expanded steel, is normally protected by an electronic security system. But this day, an armed guard, a member of the NSA’s police force, stands an additional watch. Inside the room, the discussants have been reviewing the holiest of holies — the biggest and best secrets the agency has, its aces, and they’re about to make a very important decision. Joining the conference, via a DRSN line from a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility in Chicago, is the NSA’s director, Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander....  More»


Right now, there is no credible, empowered, knowledgeable, and forceful defender of the National Security Agency inside the executive branch.

That's not to say that the vast majority of the nation's intelligence collection programs aren't worth fighting for. They are. Someone like Bill Clinton, a guy who understands stuff and knows how to explain it to folks, might want to stand up for them before it's too late.

Here's why:

The White House feels hemmed in by decisions President Obama did not make. The president is angry at the intelligence community for messing up....  More»


By law, the president and heads of intelligence agencies must keep the congressional intelligence committees informed of any "significant intelligence activity."

When is bugging the cellphones of significant allies not considered a "significant intelligence activity"? When it's part of an ongoing program, one that started at a time when Congress was rolling over for the executive branch, when war was afoot, when even senators and representatives briefed on the NSA's domestic surveillance program wanted plausible deniability?

There is no statutory requirement to brief the committees every time the NSA exercises its authorities....  More»

October 23, 2013, at 6:46 PM

"Ever since the Church Committee hearings, we have been at bat with a one-ball, two-strike count on us, you know. We aren't taking close pitches."

So said National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden in 2001, when Vice President Cheney's staff asked the NSA to significantly expand the ambit of the agency's domestic collection using the president's inherent authorities, or duties, to protect the nation, which are spelled out in Article II of the Constitution.

David Addington, Cheney's chief of staff, thought that the NSA should use its technology to intercept emails and telephone calls sent from one domestic terminal to another, and was upset to learn...  More»


The author of the @natsecwonk Twitter account, a gossipy, often invective-laced anonymous Washington beat sheet, could have been a thousand people. The bio line: "A keen observer of of the foreign policy and national security scene. I'm abrasive and bring the snark. Unapologetically says what everyone else only thinks."

Maybe it was a journalist who covered the State Department, or a low-level contractor, or a disgruntled junior researcher at a think tank. It could even have been me (and one of its targets thought it was, for awhile).

Turns out it was someone who really was in a position to dish....  More»


For the GOP, Chris Christie is on the leading edge of politics, the most broadly acceptable captain of a change movement that the Republican Party can embrace. That makes him the de facto leader of red state America, even if it's not willing to accept him just yet.

One of my favorite axioms of presidential politics is that the times choose the (wo)man; the (wo)man does not choose the times. In change elections, a solid mass of voters tend to side with history, and they often choose the candidate whose personal qualities least remind them of what they're voting against....  More»


The Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, has three central functional goals: Allow tens of millions more Americans to purchase private health insurance; expand Medicaid's coverage of the poor; and slow or temper the growth of health care costs over the long term by more equitably distributing the financial burden and by tinkering with the incentives that have evolved along with the current system.

The glitchy website places none of these three goals in jeopardy. If you don't now have health insurance, then you still don't have health insurance. Your life is pretty much status quo ante....  More»

October 20, 2013, at 8:35 PM

Do leaks of classified information damage national security in tangible, meaningful ways? Probably, yes. Even the leakers must admit that they cannot entirely foresee the consequences of making public the methods and technology marshaled to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Edward Snowden may be a genius, but one practical reason why leaking classified information is illegal is because the judgment of one person cannot possibly be submitted for the judgment of others, particularly those who have access to more of the big picture in a highly compartmentalized system....  More»


It started with an article on by Jay Newton Small, "In Shutdown, Women are the Only Adults Left." There are 20 women in the Senate, the most ever, and during the government shutdown, their floor speeches were somewhat less partisan and more "Can't-We-Just." Several women rights' groups, like EMILY's List, picked up the story for use in fundraising.

The Can't We Just speech is very easy to give. First, note how Americans mistrust their government. Then, assert that Americans dislike partisanship. Then, give an example of how you've worked with someone from across the aisle before. Finally, ask why "can't we just" set aside partisan differences and work towards a common goal and agree to disagree and be civil, among other content-free formulations....  More»


The Guardian has been silent for a while, but into the breach stepped the Washington Post with two new stories based on items selected from the Edward Snowden collection, which, I understand, still does not feature ties or outerware.

Headlines: Documents Reveal NSA's Extensive Involvement in Targeted Killing Program and NSA Collects Millions of E-mail Address Books Globebally

Significance: Hard to say. The "targeted killing program" referred to in the headline is a policy that the entire intelligence community collaborates on. It would be quite unusual if the CIA used another agency to gather signals intelligence on its targets. From previous reporting, we know how closely the NSA and the CIA collaborate on just about everything else. Of interest, though, is the way the NSA helped: targeted cyber penetrations are a very rich source of counter-terrorism...  More»


If Your American Government were directed by Alfonso Cuaron, the opening image would be of an empty road, full of cans, with shoe-dents in them.

Until the next crisis, if there is a next crisis, the Republican Party will attempt to regroup, ObamaCare will live (hopefully as something other than a software glitch), and we can all get pack to pondering the computer collapse that led to the first-ever blown deadline for South Park.

Here are five things you might want to remember, five things that were not necessarily evident even if this ending — a last-minute compromise — was:

1. The Democrats didn't buckle. This is a party so fond of conceding that it went into the negotiations assuming that it would not hold together. And yet, the party stuck together, even though many Democrats live in districts where "ObamaCare" is unpopular (although...  More»

October 13, 2013, at 7:00 PM

The 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination has occasioned a glut of new non-fiction. At the bookstore yesterday, I counted a dozen new titles, and we're still a month out. JFK books sell, so much so that respectable publishing houses are quite content to market ludicrous conspiracy theories. The lingering specter of a grand plot to kill the president is one reason why the assassination continues to haunt the public memory. The enigmatic nature of JFK was another.

How can a man who produced so much primary source material for historians, including private diary recordings, hundreds of interviews, and several of his own works of literature still be so unknown as an embodied political figure that serious historians continue to debate whether he was, fundamentally, a liberal or a conservative for his age?...  More»

October 9, 2013, at 9:40 PM

With some exceptions, the media has decided that it is well and good to frame the government shutdown as a hostage situation perpetuated by a small band of Republicans led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

But is that what's really going on here?

There are surface similarities. In a hostage scenario, a small band of thugs threaten to harm people unless they get their way. Yes, that is the negotiating tactic Republicans are using. Give us what we want, and then we will release the government back to you.

But what's happening in Washington is not a hostage situation....  More»

October 9, 2013, at 9:11 PM

The Street still thinks this will end peacefully. The Street — you know, Wall Street, where money flows, where collective wisdom incorporates all there is to know every nanosecond, where expectations are often more important than reality.

This is, of course, the great hostage taking of 2013, where the full faith and credit of the United States is being held ransom by people who got elected as Republicans, but see themselves more as conservatives.

"How is this going end?"

The easiest scenario is still the one where Boehner folds and goes home. This suggests an end time of around 11:59 p....  More»

October 7, 2013, at 9:03 PM

I have few qualms with Ezra Klein's 13 reasons why government is failing piece, but I think his main point needs to be modified. Government is failing, he writes. I would add that it is purposely failing. It is operating precisely as a plurality of political conservatives want it to. The government is executing policies designed to reduce confidence in itself. The shutdown is not a consequence of a broken system. It is a consequence of a system that incentivizes particular outcomes over majority ones, rules that empower political minorities, and of the political and social needs of the humans who inhabit it....  More»


The "active shooter" situation that wasn't paralyzed downtown Washington today, and as of this writing, there are still heightened security measures in place. The panicked reaction to reports of what happened began after the incident itself was resolved; the suspect apparently had been killed, and a police officer was being tended to, and those on the scene did not find any reason to believe that more people were involved.

On CNN, anchors raised questions about security measures, and whether they were up to the task of protecting the U.S. government....  More»


Special agents of the U.S. Secret Service protect the president and his family. But responsibility for securing the White House itself falls to a branch of the service known as the Uniformed Division, consisting of 1,300-plus sworn police officers and technicians. While agents and their exploits are glamorized and the subject of fictional thrillers and films, the U.D. officers often have a more dangerous job.

They're the ones who establish and control the outer perimeters around the White House. They're in direct contact with the public; they're responsible for screening White House visitors and preventing harmful people from even getting close to...  More»


Tea-party affiliated House Republicans are not the cause of what ails the Congress right now. Don't blame them if the government shuts down, or even if the government moves toward default.

Assuming that the reasonable way forward for opponents of ObamaCare is to try and fix the program's flaws legislatively — and that is a reasonable way forward for legislation that has been passed, ratified by the Supreme Court, subject to regulation and about to be implemented — there is one person who stands in the way of the House voting on a reasonable budget....  More»


Vali Nasr, a John Hopkins University dean and former senior adviser at the State Department, wrote a very critical appraisal of President Obama's Middle East policy last year: basically, he had none. He was inclined to let the region simmer, and even to ignore what appeared to be overtures from Iran to begin to settle its nuclear problem. America would not be indispensable unless the president actively made it so. Nasr's critique carried over to countries like Pakistan, and to the Arab Spring, where the U.S. would step in reluctantly...and then pull out, once a mess had been made.

What Obama's brain trust would tell you, or me, at the time, was that (a) it is absolutely a goal, a feature, of Obama's broader foreign policy to force other regional actors to take much more active roles in settling conflicts, (b) the less "American" a movement was,...  More»


The New York Times' first fruits from its collaboration with the Edward Snowden archive shows us how the National Security Agency figures out whether people who associate with terrorists are part of a plot or conspiracy.

Headline: "N.S.A Gathers Data on Social Connections Of U.S. Citizens"

Significance: This is the "how" of "contact chaining." Our apocryphal terrorist bad guy in Yemen calls my number, 310-555-3939 in California. The NSA and the FBI then use the database of phone records to see who I've called recently, and who the people that I've called have called. If the numbers match those on a watch list, then the FBI will open an investigation. This article tells us what happens to the OTHER numbers that the NSA has run through its system.

Key point: The NSA can utilize its contact chaining database and perform subsequent analysis on phone numbers...  More»


Sure, it's easy to be against poverty, for safe sex, against war, for clean water, against Miley Cyrus, for Liam Hemsworth. Some causes are as easy to support as they are important to promote. Liberal or conservative, here are four unorthodox causes you might want to get behind.

1. Empower the fast food industry to fight obesity.
They know how to make food that people will like and eat. They are under pressure to do something about their contribution to the obesity epidemic. They are not going to go away. They will not be regulated out of existence. It is very hard to convince someone to willingly change their diet. It is impossible (or almost impossible) for an obese person to reset his or her body back to "skinny" save for surgery or extreme alternations to their way of life....  More»

September 27, 2013, at 12:33 AM

If only.

If only that contractor, United States Investigation Service, had not been rushed to complete its re-investigation of Edward Snowden, then his aberrant intentions would have been divined, and maybe he would not have been able to work at the NSA for the purposes of helping to implode it.

Be very wary of arguments like these. They're almost too easy to believe.

It may be straw-manning to say that the system works 99.9 percent of time, but is it not straw-manning to ask whether any other system, with trade-offs, would work better.

If actual federal agents had to do ALL of the security clearance investigations, they would do a lot less federal agenting and a lot more spying/investigating/harassing Americans about other Americans.

Okay, so hire more government employees to vet government employees....  More»

September 26, 2013, at 11:57 PM

Courtesy of Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), we now have a glimpse at what may be the next set of National Security Agency documents to drop from the Guardian and Washington Post. At a Senate hearing today, Wyden asked NSA Director Keith Alexander about the agency's collection of American cellphone geolocation data.

Under the formerly secret interpretations of Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, the NSA had the legal authority to collect "telephony metadata" without an individualized order or warrant on everyone. (It now needs a certification of purpose, basically, from the FISA Court....  More»

September 23, 2013, at 9:28 AM

Human begins make decisions in ways that remain opaque to economists and psychologists. As a sometime participant in public arguments about important issues, I know how easy it is to rig the debate by employing particularly effective tactics that don't often correspond to the facts at hand. To debate is to interpret, of course, but good arguments often stand by themselves without the need to use maneuvers that are designed to elicit strong emotional responses. Here are five cards I find to be particularly interesting. A few of them, I think, can be destructive....  More»

September 22, 2013, at 3:21 PM

I try to make my posts class-neutral, but let's be real: The release of a brand-new iPhone is an event that would make Thorstein Veblen roll in his gilded, flashy, conspicuous grave. The 5s is a very nice phone, but it contains no features that will immediately change your life, or make your work experience that much more efficient, or enhance your social status beyond that temporary, "Wow, so that's what a gold one looks like; can I try the fingerprint sensor?" If you need a new phone, then by all means, the 5s is a wonder of engineering and design and you should get one....  More»

September 22, 2013, at 2:50 PM

Seems like everyone has found the SAME "Top 10 hidden iOS7 features" already, so they're not really all that hidden anymore. Here are MY favorite semi-hidden features — ones that I find useful.

1. Turn Siri into an English butler. Ask him to "Call Josh," and he'll respond, "Ringing Josh." His confused responses to your silly questions seem downright charming. General --> Siri --> Language --> ENGLISH (UNITED KINGDOM).

2. A special sub-tip: Siri can now read you any bit of text you select. Accessibility --> Speak Selection --> (On), Voices --> Select. And choose the speed, too. Then, when you select text, you move the black bar to the left until you see the "Speak" selection.

3. Want a more Android-like interface? Though it's possible to adjust the size of the default font (Accessibility --> Larger Type), you can also invert...  More»

September 19, 2013, at 1:32 PM

Gun violence in America confounds me, even though I am sure of many things:

I am sure that there are too many guns, and also that there is no way to get rid of them.

It's obvious that guns, and their availability, play a huge role in routine gun violence, which is less shocking but more prevalent and destructive than mass shootings.

I am sure that most people with mental health issues can hold a security clearance and be functional and trusted to perform key jobs.

I am certain that the vast majority of people with schizophrenia will not resort to gun violence....  More»

September 15, 2013, at 8:59 PM

Here is my second iteration of the National Security Agency's organization chart, which is now as up to date as possible, and includes a significant number of additions. I have also tried to organize the names of NSA databases and tools by function, and you can see the flow of where data comes from, what is, and can be, done with it once it resides inside the NSA's brain. I am not a visual artist, and I am certain that one of you can make this chart sing and shine in a way that I cannot.

(Click on the image below to see a larger version.)

You can find the first version at Defense One, a publication of National Journal.

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