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dear share with your community this page women and men and children dreaming is like tornado. The government not giving women their rights affect everyone including children and men When i was talking to the people with authorities and when he asked me why i wanted to get suffering about women. government taking away women rights and aren't allowed to make friends on the street and decide to give them the wrong rights so they can use them as workers. They abuse them 100 percent. It is not the only problem they get. they get abused in other ways. Some problems affect their children as well. I don't want to talk about this kind of problems as they may affect people already dealing with them. If you have doctors , go to your doctors, ask them questions if everyday to meet different men or women from three above. Support my page to defend your grands. If you would like to know the other problems they get you make appointment with me , To men you are the same like women, our rights were taken away as well. We are not allowed to talk to women on the street or follow them or look at them. They want us as well to support them to follow them at their work to give them power to abuse them.. For us we are abused like 70 percent. When you call the company that you want to meet a person from there , they charge you for one hour three hundred. You spend the time looking at hour so that you don't exceed and pay extra hour. When you meet the person you don't have any conversation or know them. You are not different from people who are raped. The money you pay her she is not taking your money. All of you have the same problem. Children they take away parents rights. Parents don't have rights for their own children. They say children are free to do what they want. When they come with their friends you cant stop them from bringing their friend to the house. Now when they meet the rules give them rights to meet. When he grows up and his life turns out well then the past starts coming out. That he went out with young child. Then when he had a job he will not be able to continue . Then the child who didn't receive sex clinic will have all have the same problems. Animals have more rights to people. They is no good that even your human nature is controlled. Even if its your parents, or government. To control them all including mother fathers and children to be sex clinic and distressed. Ten they start to give them medicine. Now people walk with medicine . Since i was born i didn't see teenage do suicide or women sitting on the street crying until i was 45. i see it now and feel my grands pain this life style. Anywhere you are don't question because you don't see it where you are. Politicians can copy it anytime or you can move. Don't say i don't want to support it can help your grands in future Remember when there was no law for couple to share property. When there was separation , everyone kept their property. T here was no killing each other or children. It was safer. Now since law came it is not safer for either women children or men. Now when a person have property they are afraid to get together. Now people became homeless. Go to my page and share it with your friends and family. Whether you are rich , poor or in power support our sisters, when they have right we too have rights. Where i was born all politicians , kings ,and queens are foreigners .not only my country but others as well like Libya. Gaddafi he said that labels slept in halls like rats. But when he has caught he was caught from the hall.he was killed by his gold gun. What killed him is what he loved most and dreamed of .Our dreaming is a tornado. check your self since you were younger what you dreamed of is like tornado. When Community have rights you have rights and everyone have rights. Your family have rights. Parents, we have to be together to fight about the rights of our daughters. No parent wants their daughter to grow up and work as a prostitute. At the same time, no parents want their children to get raped. I’m happy to see that a lot of politicians are parents. In my country some of them have 1 or more daughters. With this in mind, they have to support me. It is a shame to see that politician with sisters, and daughters are against me and what I’m doing. They are against me, and they don’t want their children or sisters to get rights. The people doing this job are suffering, and are not doing it because they are happy. We have to feel their pain. In my experience i have never seen a woman with a Masters degree in Prostitution. I also have never seen a FATE that trained women to be prostitutes. I have never seen anyone called to be a prostitute for work experience. I feel pain because of a lot of of parents with children, who don’t want to side with me and go against this. Some think that the people doing this don’t have masters degree or any education.Some think that the people doing this job come from poor families. In my mind they are only thinking about themselves, and are not thinking of what could happen in the future, if their daughters become prostitutes. If you travel across the world, you will find that some who do this job have masters degree, and some come from a rich family or a politician family. You’ll find that some of the people are rich, but were poor before they were prostitutes. My example of this is of all of the rich families in my country who used to be refugees. A lot of royalty families were once refugees. Go ask King Mute be, and what job he or his family did when he was a refugee. This will give you experience that anything and anyone can do this job. If the King had had a good job and life when he was a refugee, he would have never thought of going back and becoming king. A bad life had bought him to forget what his fathers story, when his father was killed while he had been on the throne. Make an inquiry on all refugees, and look for what job they had been doing. Ask them where they had come from, and you’ll find that some of them came from rich and powerful families. You will start to understand that rights for everyone is important. We aren’t allowed to abuse these women who do this job, to want income from them. They have to be free and take care of themselves. The politicians are not allowed to tax them or make them pay for license. If any parent thinks is a good job, they need to send their children to do this job for work experience.../please go to this is link like page share with your community this page