The Norman Transcript


  • Elected officials responsible for higher education price hike

    Editor, The Transcript: On Monday, the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents approved a proposal to increase costs on students by an average of 4.8 percent. Resident undergraduates enrolled in 15 hours will see their tuition and fees ...

    June 29, 2014

  • Veterans answer the call

    Editor, The Transcript: I’ve been a member of American Legion Post 88 for 12 years, since soon after I raised my hand at West Point. I joined because my father and his father were both in the Legion. This past week I visited the post for ...

    June 28, 2014

  • Please help the animals

    Dear Mayor Rosenthal, I am a volunteer at the animal shelter. All I care about is the animals' welfare. We go and walk and pet the dogs, clean cages and sometimes clean the dogs, too. We pet the cats....

    June 27, 2014

  • Veterans come before profits

    Editor, The Transcript: The United States is again considering getting involved in another world conflict with troops ready to go to Iraq again. Our success in these conflicts since WWII has not been good and the only ones usually gaining ...

    June 22, 2014

  • Thank you

    Editor, The Transcript: I recently returned from the Oklahoma Honor Flight. At the end of the trip, I received an envelope full of “thank you” messages from the president of Rose State College and two state representatives. Thank you. ...

    June 22, 2014

  • Where is the outcry?

    Editor, The Transcript: As usual, there are many issues about which I could offer my insightful and cogent opinions, such as the incredible naïveté of our President in the conduct of Foreign Affairs, the increasingly burden of the Federal ...

    June 22, 2014

  • Funny bus

    Editor, The Transcript: Re: Transcript 6-20-14, page A11, photo and caption of bus interior promoting Dump the Pump....

    June 22, 2014

  • Transcript article off base

    Editor, The Transcript: The article in the May 22 edition of The Transcript on Page 8, “The cost of clean,” is way off base. The article emphasizes increased cost of electrical power if coal-powered plants are shut down. My objection is ...

    June 20, 2014

  • Columnist egregiously attacked women

    Editor, The Transcript: On June 6, the Washington Post published a column by George Will, one of the Transcript’s regular contributors. In this misogynist column, Will asserts that women who report an on-campus rape are merely doing so to ...

    June 15, 2014

  • Thanks for making primary season entertaining

    Editor, The Transcript: Living in a political Red State is frustrating sometimes, but watching the Republican ads on TV during this primary season has been entertaining and hilarious. I laugh out loud as they try to “out-conservative” each ...

    June 14, 2014