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Pre-History of Online Video

188,069 views 3 days ago
I'm headed to California to celebrate online video...for those of you who aren't able to come home, you get to celebrate it as well. Spend some time with the greatest internet videos ever made.

The Show with Ze Frank - https://www.youtube.com/pla...
For a while there it really felt like everyone on the internet was a Sports Racer. This listing of Ze's videos on YouTube is fantastic because a lot of them don't have many views so, if you want to, you can go through and experience them from the beginning with a lot of other Nerdfighters. Enjoy.

Homestar Runner - http://www.homestarrunner.com
I really believe this is one of the internet's greatest treasures. You could spend weeks rummaging around in here, and I encourage you to do that. There are not a lot of things that are simply as joyful and peculiar and deeply pleasing in my life as Homestar Runner. Just remember that, back in the day, my entire dorm would run to the nearest computer when we heard a new sbemail was out.

All Your Base - https://www.youtube.com/wat...
The thing to remember about All Your Base Are Belong to Us is that it was a self-sustained project that involved the willing collaborations of hundreds of individuals. The promotion of the original meme, the photoshopping, the musicians who created the synthesized voices...people were creating it simply because they loved being a part of its creation.

The End of the World - http://www.albinoblacksheep...
I don't know why this caught on so hard or who the creator was or where they are today, but it is a wonderful thing Show less
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Hank and John EXPLAIN! Play

One of our favorite things to do is take a complicated issue and tease out the knot a little bit. By avoiding politics and taking a larger, top-down view, we try to tell a complete story much faster than cable news can even talk about an isolated event.
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