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Making Home Affordable An official program of the Departments of the Treasury & Housing and Urban Development


    Learn About Your Options

    Making Home Affordable Offers Solutions
    More than a million homeowners have been helped by MHA programs. Homeowners in MHA modifications (HAMP) are typically saving more than $500 each month. And now, there are new opportunities for help. If you’re having a tough time making your monthly mortgage payments, Request a Modification today.

    New! Military Resources: Service members whose PCS orders have made it difficult to keep up their mortgage payments may now be eligible for mortgage help through MHA. Visit our Military Resources page and Request a Modification today.

    Military Resources
    Explore Available Programs
    Easy access to MHA information (video)

  • Gather your financial information.

    The more prepared you are, the faster you can get help. Gather documentation detailing your mortgage, your current and past financial situation and the reasons you are having financial difficulty. With that information in hand, you can then call 888-995- HOPE (4673) or your mortgage company to find out if you are eligible for a Making Home Affordable Program. Spending time up front gathering these documents pays off in a smoother, more efficient process.

    What You Will Need
    Find the Right Program for Your Situation
    Speak With an Approved Housing Expert

  • Act now. Don't delay.

    Making Home Affordable has real help to offer, but you must contact your mortgage company or a housing expert to take action. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get on the road to financial recovery. Not taking action can only make things worse. Remember, many Americans have taken the first step towards modifying or refinancing their mortgages, and so should you if you are having trouble making your mortgage payments. Start now by viewing this instructional video

    Request for Home Affordable Modification
    Speak With an Approved Housing Expert
    Contact Your Mortgage Servicer

  • Don’t Get Scammed

    Don't Get Scammed

    Homeowners struggling with their mortgage payments should beware of con artists and scams that promise to save their homes and lower their mortgage debt or payments.
    View the Tips to Avoid Scams today. Think you've been scammed?
    File a complaint today.

  • 5 Facts for 5 years

    So, You’re in a HAMP Modification. Now What?

    For simply honoring your commitment to pay, you could benefit from a total of $5,000 in principal reduction.
    To fully understand the terms of your modification, refer to your written agreement and watch for notices from your mortgage company.

News & Events
Attend a Making Home Affordable Help for Homeowner Event in your area. Meet one-on-one with your mortgage company or a HUD-approved housing counselor to find options to avoid foreclosure. Learn More

Help is a Phone Call Away ›

Get free advice from a housing expert. HUD-approved housing counselors work with you and your mortgage company on your behalf, and their expertise is available for free. Call 888-995-HOPE (4673) to speak with an expert about your individual situation.

Tips to Avoid Scams & File a Complaint ›

Unfortunately, and far too often, homeowners looking for mortgage help end up victimized by scam artists. Know the warning signs. Learn where to file a complaint.

Helpful Tools ›

MHA ® tools give you the information you need to learn about mortgage relief options available to you. Here you can find MHA ® Homeowner Events in your area and additional helpful resources.

Videos ›

Get firsthand information directly from homeowners and program experts in these short but informative videos. Learn why homeowners are excited about the results they're getting.