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Merge pull request #3 from mogstad/setnx_allow_string

Make sure setnx's result is an integer
latest commit fd3300221a
Joshua Cohen jcohen authored May 09, 2013



An event driven implementation of global locks using Redis.


npm install redis-locking-worker


var RedisLockingWorker = require("redis-locking-worker");

var worker = new RedisLockingWorker({
    "lockKey" : "mylock",
    "statusLevel" : RedisLockingWorker.StatusLevels.Verbose,
    "lockTimeout" : 5000,
    "maxAttempts" : 5

worker.on("acquired", function(lastAttempt) {
    if (Math.random() <= SUCCESS_CHANCE) {
        console.log("Completed work successfully, cleaning up!");
    } else {
        // oh no, we failed to do work!
        console.log("Failed to do work, hopefully someone else will have better luck!");

worker.on("locked", function() {
    console.log("Someone else acquired the lock");

worker.on("error", function(error) {
    console.error("Error from lock: %j", error);

worker.on("status", function(message) {
    console.log("Status message from lock: %s", message);



You can specify a variety of options when creating a new lock instance:

    "client" : null,                                        /* Instance of a node-redis redis client ( */
    "host" : "localhost",                                   /* Redis host to connect to if a client wasn't explicitly passed in */
    "port" : 6379,                                          /* Redis port to connect to if a client wasn't explicitly passed in */
    "lockKey" : null,                                       /* Name of the key to use for this lock, defaults to null, not optional */
    "statusLevel" : RedisLockingWorker.StatusLevel.Normal,  /* Verbosity to use when emitting status events */
    "lockTimeout" : 5000,                                   /* Time, in milliseconds, before a lock should expire. */
    "maxAttempts" : 5,                                      /* Number of attempts to complete work before giving up */


You can run:

node examples/cluster.js

For an example implementation that uses cluster to fork one worker per CPU core, each one with a 15% chance of completing the "work" successfully. You should see output along these lines:

Worker 1 failed to do work
Worker 2 did not acquire lock
Worker 3 did not acquire lock
Worker 5 did not acquire lock
Worker 4 did not acquire lock
Worker 6 did not acquire lock
Worker 7 did not acquire lock
Worker 8 did not acquire lock
Worker 2 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 2 Status message from lock: Work was not completed, trying to reacquire lock for attempt #1
Worker 2 Status message from lock: Trying to reacquire lock
Worker 2 Status message from lock: Current attempt count: 1
Worker 2 Status message from lock: This is attempt #2
Worker 2 failed to do work
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #1
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 1, but it's 2), someone else got the lock
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Work was not completed, trying to reacquire lock for attempt #2
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Trying to reacquire lock
Worker 3 Status message from lock: Current attempt count: 2
Worker 3 Status message from lock: This is attempt #3
Worker 3 failed to do work
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 2, but it's 3), someone else got the lock
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 2, but it's 3), someone else got the lock
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 2, but it's 3), someone else got the lock
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 2, but it's 3), someone else got the lock
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #2
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Attempt count has been incremented (expected 2, but it's 3), someone else got the lock
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #3
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Work was not completed, trying to reacquire lock for attempt #3
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Trying to reacquire lock
Worker 5 Status message from lock: Current attempt count: 3
Worker 5 Status message from lock: This is attempt #4
Worker 5 completed work successfully, last attempt? false
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #3
Worker 4 Status message from lock: Work completed successfully by primary process, deleting lock
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #3
Worker 6 Status message from lock: Lock key is gone, someone else completed the work and deleted the lock
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #3
Worker 7 Status message from lock: Lock key is gone, someone else completed the work and deleted the lock
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Checking status of work from attempt #3
Worker 8 Status message from lock: Lock key is gone, someone else completed the work and deleted the lock
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