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Safety Rest Area General Information
Safety Rest Areas

TxDOT has completely updated the state's Safety Rest Areas to provide more services and a safer experience for Texas travelers.

New rest area facilities are being constructed throughout the state incorporating these new features, including:

  • Air-conditioned and heated restrooms, as well as an assisted-use restroom
  • Larger parking areas, with separated areas for cars and commercial trucks
  • Most Texas Travel Information Centers feature wireless internet; however, wireless internet is not available at Safety Rest Areas in the state
  • Information areas for weather and road conditions, maps, traffic-safety and upcoming regional events
  • Office space for law-enforcement personnel
  • Enhanced security, including surveillance cameras
  • Tornado shelters
  • Walking and interpretive trails
  • Play areas for kids

Safety Rest Areas

Each Safety Rest Area is designed to incorporate natural and historical features unique to its location, as well as native landscaping elements.