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Texas Transportation Plan 2040

Texas’ population is growing with more than 400,000 people moving here each year.  All these new people and a growing economy create new demands on Texas’ transportation system.  With limited resources, TxDOT must invest wisely to keep Texans and the economy moving. 

Over the next year TxDOT will be updating the 2035 Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan with the Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2040. When completed, the TTP 2040 will serve as TxDOT’s long-range, performance-based transportation plan that will guide planning and programming decisions for the development, integrated management, and operation of the statewide, multimodal transportation system in Texas over the next 25 years. 

The TTP will address the statewide planning requirements under the current federal surface transportation act – Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), and Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 16. It will promote TxDOT’s Strategic Plan goals and build on the progress made toward goals identified in TxDOT’s 2035 Statewide Long-Range Plan and Texas Rural Transportation Plan.

As the foundation for TxDOT’s first performance-based, multimodal transportation plan, a comprehensive statewide analysis of transportation demand to capacity across various modes will allow decision-makers to better manage transportation assets, develop performance measures and targets to prioritize needs, and align resources for optimizing system performance.

The analysis will include:

  • A descriptive inventory of the existing system elements and current usage;
    • Highways and bridges
    • Public transportation
    • Aviation facilities
    • Bicycle and pedestrian facilities
    • Intelligent transportation systems
    • Freight rail
    • Water port facilities
    • Pipelines
    • Freight corridors
  • A description of future infrastructure and service needs to improve system performance;
  • A projection of future funding available to meet projected needs;
  • A description of the existing funding sources and an analysis of alternative and innovative sources to address the shortfall in traditional funding; and
  • The identification of performance goals, measures, and targets to maximize financial investments to improve multimodal system performance statewide.

The TTP 2040 will be developed through a collaborative process that involves multimodal stakeholders including metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), cities, counties, transit agencies, stakeholder advocates, private companies and the travelling public. Your continuous and meaningful participation in the planning process and input is essential to developing the long-term goals and, ultimately, to realizing the future you envision for the Texas transportation system.

Contact Us

TxDOT TPP Division TTP 2040
P.O. Box 149217
Austin, TX 78714-9217