List of Arab scientists and scholars

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This is a list of scientists and scholars from the Muslim World and Spain (Al-Andalus) who lived from antiquity up until the beginning of the modern age, consisting primarily of scholars during the Middle Ages. In some cases, their exact ancestry is unclear.

Both the Arabic and Latin names are given. The following Muslim naming articles are not used for indexing:

  • Al - the
  • ibn, bin, banu - son of
  • abu - father of, the one with

To maintain consistency and keep the list easy to navigate, please follow the Entries Format for the List of Arab scientists and scholars on the Talk page when adding names.



  • Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi (980, Baghdad, Iraq - 1037, ?) arithmetic
  • Al-Baqillani (?, Basra, Iraq - 1013, Basra, Iraq) theologian, scholar, and Maliki lawyer
  • Al-Battani (850, Harran, Turkey - 929, Qasr al-Jiss, Iraq) astronomer and mathematician



  • Gamal Hemdan (February 2, 1928 - April 17, 1993) geographer


  • Haly Abenragel (Abû l-Hasan 'Alî ibn Abî l-Rijâl) (? - 1037, Kairouan, Tunisia) astrologer, best known for his Kitāb al-bāri' fi ahkām an-nujūm
  • Ibn Hawqal (943, Baghdad,Iraq - 969,?) writer, geographer, and chronicler
  • Hassan Hanafi (born 1935 in Cairo, Egypt) professor and chair of philosophy at Cairo University
  • Al-Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Matar (786 – 833) mathematician
  • Jabir ibn Hayyan 722 - 804 chemist
  • Abū Muhammad al-Hasan al-Hamdānī (893, Yemen - 945, Sanaa, Yemen) geographer, historian and astronomer
  • Ibn Hubal (1122, Baghdad, Iraq - 1213) physician, scientist and author of a medical compendium
  • Hayat Sindi "(Mecca,SaudiArabia)" medical scientist, She is famous for making major contributions to point-of-care medical testing and biotechnology



  • Jabir ibn Aflah (1100, Seville, Spain - 1160, ? ) influential astronomer and mathematician
  • Al-Jayyani (989, Cordoba, Spain - 1079, Jaen, Spain) mathematician and author
  • al-Jazari "(1136–1206) - described 100 mechanical devices
  • Ibn Al-Jazzar (10th century, Qairwan, Tunis) influential 10th century physician and author
  • Al-Jahiz (776, Basra, Iraq - 869, Basra, Iraq) historian, biologist and author
  • Al-Jawhari, Abu Alabbas (ca. 800-860) mathematician
  • Ibn Jubayr (1145, Valencia, Spain - 1217, Egypt) geographer, traveller and poet, known for his detailed travel journals




  • Mostafa El-Sayed
  • Al-Masudi ( ?, Baghdad, Iraq - 957, Cairo, Egypt) historian, geographer and philosopher, traveled to Spain, Russia, India, Sri Lanka and China, spent his last years in Syria and Egypt
  • Maslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti, (d. 1008 or 1007 CE), was an Arab Muslim scholar and astronomer in Spain
  • Al-Ma'arri (December 26, 973 - May 10 or May 21, 1057, Ma'arra (المعرة) in Syria) blind Arab philosopher, poet and writer
  • Al-Mawardi, known in Latin as Alboacen, (972, Basra, Iraq - 1058, Iraq) judge, diplomat, and author of influential works on governance and ethics
  • Ma Yize (ca. 910, ? - 1005, China) astronomer and astrologist, worked as the chief official of the astronomical observatory of the Song dynasty
  • Muhammad Al-Muqaddasi (946 CE, Jerusalem, Palestine - ) medieval Arab geographer, author of Ahsan at-Taqasim fi Ma`rifat il-Aqalim (The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions)



  • Omar M. Yaghi (1965, Amman, Jordan - Present) Chemist Professor at the University of California, Berkeley


  • Thābit ibn Qurra "(826, Harran, Turkey - 902)" mathematician, physician, astronomer, and translator




  • Al-Uqlidisi (920, Damascus, Syria - 980, Damascus, Syria) wrote two works on arithmetic, may have anticipated the invention of decimals
  • Usamah ibn Munqidh (1095–1188, Damascus, Syria), Arab historian, politician, and diplomat
  • Ibn Abi Usaibia (1203–1270, Damascus, Syria) physician and historian, wrote Uyun al-Anba fi Tabaqat al-Atibba (Lives of the Physicians)
  • Al-Umawi (1400, Spain - 1489, Damascus, Syria) mathematician, wrote works on mensuration and arithmetic


  • Waddah al-Yaman (Yemen,? - Syria,Damscus,709) poet, famous for his erotic and romantic poems


  • Ibn Yunus "(c. 950-1009) - mathematician and astronomer
  • Yusuf al-Mutamin mathematician, wrote Kitab al-Istikmal (Book of Perfection) in mathematics



  1. ^ The Alpetragius crater on the Moon is named after this Arab astronomer.

See also[edit]