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I think it's really nice of you to do something like this, Lindsey! You are a good person with a big heart and I'm happy, as well as proud to be one of your many subscribers. Also, I know I've been helping you, along with the rest of your fans, but I will do something nice for someone for Christmas and I'll do so with you in mind, as well as because it would be a good thing to do. Speaking of Christmas, I really hope that you, along with your family, friends and fans have a safe and happy holidays, too! Love you! :)
FrostyBlue23's profile photoDaniel Villanueva's profile photo
+Daniel Villanueva Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! Also, I'm sure we'll find something nice to do for someone, as well. :)
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I have to say, I think this video is still so hilarious and you are skilled at sneaking prunes, as well, Lindsey! Lol! I also love that prune counter, too! ^_^
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Hello! It's FrostyBlue23. I wanted to say hi, as well as to know how you are doing. I haven't been able to reply and comment much on Youtube, since the Google+ update. To let you know, I'm doing ok, but I'm a little sad, too. It's because of the whole comment thing on Youtube. Also, I do hope your hand is getting better, as well. :)
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Hello! I've been having trouble with the new comment update on Youtube and I wish to be able to continue helping Lindsey and all her fans. I don't really know what to do and I feel a little bad about it. Can anyone help me out? :)
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6 people
I love "Zelda Medley", it's an awesome video game cover of Lindsey's and is also the first video of hers that I watched, about a year ago. I was looking up some Zelda music and I happened to see this in the side videos. I loved it and I've been watching Lindsey's videos and listening to her music, ever since! I also think it's pretty cool how she can dance, while playing the violin, as well! :)
FrostyBlue23's profile photoDaniel Villanueva's profile photo
+Daniel Villanueva Hmm, there's a lot of Zelda songs that I like, but one of my favorites would have to be "Gerudo Valley." I do think that "Song of Storms" is pretty awesome, as well! :)
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I love "Elements", it's one of my favorites of Lindsey's originals and I think that it's beautiful, as well. I also think that both this and the orchestral version are just epic, I love them both! Also, I wish to say that I do feel bad that I haven't been able comment and reply on YouTube as much as I would like to, with the changes and all, but I'm still going to show her my love and support! :)
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Hi, Lindsey! This is FrostyBlue23. I know you're probably pretty busy, but I've been having problems with YouTube since the Google+ integration update. The thing is, when I want to leave a comment, I get logged out of the comments. To be honest, I don't really know what else to do and I thought I'd come to you for help. I want to be able to keep helping you and your fans as I always have, I do feel kind of bad about it, too. If you get to see this, I would also like to thank you for all that you've done for us, it's much appreciated! :)
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6 people
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United States