Core Team

Here are our key Piwik team members who are passionate and work hard to improve and deliver high quality analytics.

Matthieu Aubry

Founder, Lead Developer

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: New Zeland


Peter Boehlke

Piwik Consulting Germany

Occupation: DB & Software architect

Location: Germany


Thomas Zilliox

CSS & Web Expert

Occupation: Freelance web dev - Hire me!

Location: France


Noah Firth

Network Security Engineer

Occupation: Translations Coordinator

Location: United States


Maciej Zawadziński

CEO of Piwik PRO

Occupation: Analytics Consultant

Location: Poland


Stefan Giehl

Core developer

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: Germany


Timo Besenreuther

Core Developer

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: Germany


Thomas Steur

Mobile Lead & Core Dev

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: New Zealand


Adrian Speyer

Marketing advisor

Occupation: Marketing Lead

Location: Canada


Gregor Aisch

Visualization Specialist

Occupation: Information Visualization Architect

Location: Germany


Benaka M.

Occupation: Piwik Core Developer

Location: Earth


Julien Moumné

Core developer

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: France


Fabian Becker

Core Developer

Occupation: Ph.D. Student

Location: Germany


Past Contributors

A special thanks to these amazing people who participated in the project!

  • Anthon Pang – active contributor for years, Anthon has designed some some major features in Piwik such as the first version of the Javascript tracker. He still regularly advises the team.
  • Marcin Galecki – worked on the new Piwik UI and prepared pixel perfect mockups of a fresh, professional new design.
  • Stepan Sukharyna – implemented the html/css/js changes for the new Piwik design perfectly respecting the mockups.
  • Dibia Victor – implemented the SEO widget, giving essential SEO data about the Piwik website.
  • Khanh Pham – implemented the feature “Hash tags restore UI state” greatly improving user experience.
  • Robert Schilt and Thierry Scelles – contributed to the project with their fresh Marketing & PR skills
  • Cyril B. – implemented Log Analytics functionality in Piwik. He is CEO of Web hosting company Alwaysdata who is hosting
  • Thomas Seifert – lead the migration to the new Piwik forums, writing a complete migration script from Invision to Phorum, and is also hosting the new forums.
  • Johan Mathé – was the system administrator for all Piwik servers and services for the first few years (trac, emails, web) and we are very grateful for his precious help!
  • Thomas Zeithaml – implemented the original Live! plugin and is available as a Piwik consultant in Germany.
  • Julien Rouvière – did a great job at implementing the customizable dashboard in Piwik.
  • OpenX – sponsored Matthieu in 2007 to start building Piwik. Matthieu stayed employed at OpenX for more than a year, mostly developing Piwik and supporting the community.

Thank you to our translators!

Piwik translators have done an incredible job making Piwik available to so many people of different languages and cultures. Thank you all!

List of Piwik Translators

See also: What is Piwik and our Roadmap.

Piwik is an Award Winning Free Software (as in Freedom).