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MediaWiki APIsAPI:Main page

MediaWiki action API

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This module is used to mark revisions of watched pages as visited. This affects the highlighting of changed pages in the watchlist and history, and the sending of email when the "Email me when a page on my watchlist is changed" preference is enabled.

This module requires POST requests; GET requests will not work.


Users of this module must be correctly logged in, as a valid edit token is required. For example:

Obtaining an edit token


  • entirewatchlist: Work on all watched pages.
  • token: Edit token retrieved in previous step
  • timestamp: Timestamp to which to set the notification timestamp.
  • torevid: Revision to set the notification timestamp to (one page only).
  • newerthanrevid: Revision to set the notification timestamp newer than (one page only).
  • titles: A list of titles to work on. Standard rules and limits apply. (See API:Query#Specifying pages.)
  • pageids: A list of page IDs to work on. Standard rules and limits apply. 1.20+
  • revids: A list of revision IDs to work on. Standard rules and limits apply.
  • redirects: Automatically resolve redirects.
  • converttitles: Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion. Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz, zh.
  • generator: Get the list of pages to work on using a generator. (See API:Query#Generators.)


Marking entire watchlist as visited

Marking all edits to "Wikipedia talk:Sandbox" since 1 January 2012 as unviewed


(main | setnotificationtimestamp)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module requires write rights.
  • This module only accepts POST requests.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0+

Update the notification timestamp for watched pages.

This affects the highlighting of changed pages in the watchlist and history, and the sending of email when the "Email me when a page or a file on my watchlist is changed" preference is enabled.


Work on all watched pages.

Type: boolean (details)

Timestamp to which to set the notification timestamp.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

Revision to set the notification timestamp to (one page only).

Type: integer

Revision to set the notification timestamp newer than (one page only).

Type: integer

When more results are available, use this to continue.


A list of titles to work on.

Separate values with | or alternative. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

A list of page IDs to work on.

Type: list of integers
Separate values with | or alternative. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

A list of revision IDs to work on.

Type: list of integers
Separate values with | or alternative. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.

Note: Generator parameter names must be prefixed with a "g", see examples.

One of the following values: allcategories, alldeletedrevisions, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, allrevisions, alltransclusions, backlinks, categories, categorymembers, deletedrevisions, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere, messagecollection, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, redirects, revisions, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw, wblistentityusage

Automatically resolve redirects in titles, pageids, and revids, and in pages returned by generator.

Type: boolean (details)

Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion. Languages that support variant conversion include gan, iu, kk, ku, shi, sr, tg, uz and zh.

Type: boolean (details)

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

This parameter is required.
Reset the notification status for the entire watchlist.
api.php?action=setnotificationtimestamp&entirewatchlist=&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
Reset the notification status for Main page.
api.php?action=setnotificationtimestamp&titles=Main_page&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
Set the notification timestamp for Main page so all edits since 1 January 2012 are unviewed.
api.php?action=setnotificationtimestamp&titles=Main_page&timestamp=2012-01-01T00:00:00Z&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
Reset the notification status for pages in the User namespace.
api.php?action=setnotificationtimestamp&generator=allpages&gapnamespace=2&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]