Ask Me Another

See Ask Me Another Live!

Admit One Tickets

Join NPR and WNYC for a live taping of Ask Me Another at The Bell House in Brooklyn, New York.

Interested in being a contestant? Email us at to request a Contestant Quiz, or check the box "yes" during the ticket-buying process to throw your hat in the ring.

We'll continue to update this page with new dates and information.

Upcoming Shows

May 30th, 2013 - Click Here For Tickets

Guest: Steven Strogatz. This show is part of the 2013 World Science Festival.

June 4th, 2013 - Click Here For Tickets

Guest: Adam Rapoport, Editor-in-Chief of Bon Appétit.

June 14th, 2013 at SummerStage, Central Park, NYC. Show is FREE!

Guests TBA

June 24th, 2013 - Click Here For Tickets

Guest: Paul Feig, director of Bridesmaids and episodes of all your favorite TV shows. Creator of Freaks and Geeks.



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Ask Me Another