Crafting scenes of iconic Americana: Like photographs pulled from an old shoebox in a dusty attic, Michael Paul Smith’s photostream is filled with images echoing warm memories of mid-twentieth century America. Many who view his photos of vintage cars...

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IsaRuizMe, da_original_don, Dpak Blissful, rwhite830 e 41 outras pessoas adicionaram esse vídeo aos favoritos.

  1. sixkings55 5 semanas atrás | resposta

    Just found this. If you hadn't said how you made your photos I wouldn't have ever guessed. You did such a great job with your model building and photography work, can't say enough! Just WOW!

  2. forrestkat_1971 4 semanas atrás | resposta

    Amazing. You are very creative, I love it!

  3. Geodesiq 2 semanas atrás | resposta

    You are a genius! They are so realistic.

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