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  1. Allow viewing options of Justified or Thumbnail view

    I want to have thumbnail photo view all over Flickr, including Photostream, search results, Group page and etc.

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    • Please bring back the old way of showing search results-page by page.

      Please bring back the old way of showing search results-page by page. New endless search photostream looks good, but it eats ROM and freezes PC! When I reach less recent photos, I wait, and wait for some Java applet to load. Sometimes Firefox asks me do I want to wait for applet or stop executing it.
      It would be better if there were pages 1, 2, 3... like in the user photostream. Thanks in advance

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      • Announcements via F-mail

        It seems that new features, and improvements to the site are being announced in the HF, or sometimes the Flickr Blog. These are not places the average user visits upon every log-in.

        Some important notifications are never seen by users at all. This can lead to misinformed users creating HF threads, where they are in turn directed to the [Official Topic] at the top of the HF. (If it is still a hot topic)

        What I'm visioning is an added module to f-mail. Something along the lines of: Your Inbox, Contact Notifications, Your Sent Mail,,,,,,and Announcements.

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        • Remove the recommended users to follow

          I don't like having my home feed littered with suggestions of people to follow. Please make it possible to remove this new "feature" that has been added.

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          • why the real names in comments on the New Photo Page?

            this has probably been brought up before,
            why are the real names given in the comments on the New Photo Page?
            So the whole world knows our names? Most of us have screen names for privacy- so why this? I don't like this at all.
            Please reconsider.

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            • Want to be able to decide what to see on Front page

              Some people want to have contact's photos, and some like photostream as front page. So it will be great if I can decide what to see on my front page by my own.

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              • Pictures of nonheterosexual people getting married need not be flagged as "unsafe." Just sayin.

       was flagged to me as not being within my "safe search" settings. There's no nudity, no vulgarity, or anything else that should make it unsafe. It just happens to be a gay wedding. Please fix this.

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                • We need home page settings!

                  If you do not plan to change flickr back to the way it was (it was a lot better), at least provide a better service. We want to be able to choose what we see on the home page! I personally do not want to see 3 month old pics from the contacts. I am not interested who commented on the pics of my contacts!! I want to see newest pics from them and activity on my pics (comments, notes and such), just like before. Stop changing the site just because you think we want to make conversation. We want…

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                  • Improve the photo loading speed

                    Flickr should improve the loading speed.

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                      To be voted  ·  3 comments  ·  Feature Request  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                    • Please can we have a an obvious flickr home page.

                      At the moment, when logged into flickr, it is a personalised home page which is populated by stuff I can follow in other parts of my flickr via the 'activity' option.
                      I like discovering new things. This personalised home page does not allow that. Also, because it is forever populating, it is really difficult to navigate around the actual flickr site, as help, enquiries, etc, are all at the bottom of the screen...which you can't get to because it is infinitely populating the image feed. So, very frustrating if you want to use flickr as an actual web site.

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                      • Train admin staff on how to indicate request status

                        Staff have been marking quite a few suggestions "COMPLETED" today that have in fact been declined, not completed.

                        Photo backgrounds are still only black, place names still can't be edited, comments have not been moved back under pictures, etc.

                        Those all have messages indicating they were declined and are not going to be implemented, but instead of being flagged DECLINED, they're shown as COMPLETED.

                        Someone please train staff on the difference between COMPLETED and DECLINED.

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                        • Please add Pentax K-3 in the Camera Finder

                          Pentax K-3 is Pentax' flagship DSLR, announced on Oct 7th, 2013 and released in November.

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                            Under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Search Experience  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                          • Want to limit numbers of search result per user

                            I want to be able to hide certain users’ image from search result.

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                            • Safe search setting void after clicking through once-

                              In the New Photo Page: if I click through a greyed out pic, I get the Adult content warning- fine.
                              But why does my Safe Search setting change to OFF?
                              there is no warning that clicking through is changing MY SETTING- how does one even KNOW that the setting has been reset?
                              This seems to be a serious oversight. Please look into it.

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                              • Block certain members from Searches

                                Some "tag happy" members photos show up in all kinds of irrelevant searches. It would be nice to block by member name in Advanced Searches.

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                                • 108th ranked
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                                  • What is still missing for me and plenty others...

                                    1- keyboard short cut to pasting a comment- what is "V" in classic (thanks for reinstating the "C").

                                    2- show admin invites somewhere on photo page without having to go into recent activities

                                    2a- It could be somewhere in the go to groups window. Speaking of group window, It does not when a group is private. This would be helpful.

                                    3- Less glare on your right side info bar. If you won't change back to black letters on white than please consider a still lighter grey

                                    4- a bit more width on the info bar would be helpful to the…

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                                    • Allow Group admin election

                                      I want to be able to select for my Group administrator when the original admin account is disappeared.

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                                      • Make "Embed" available to us on our own photos regardless of Sharing permissions

                                        It seems quite odd that we have to now enable *other* people to share our photos if we want to have the Embed code available to *ourselves*. Please enable to us easily share our own Safe content regardless of what permissions we grant others.

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                                        • require people that favourite a photo to comment on it

                                          People that favourite a photo should be required to comment on it, why did you favourite if you can't take the time to comment as to why its a favourite.

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