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Learn More about the FOIA Summit

On October 10 and 11 hosted the FOIA Summit. Learn more about the event and plans to help make the Freedom of Information Act work for the public here.

Bringing a Focus on the Freedom of Information Act

Over the past few months, has been working to bring a renewed focus to how the open government community can work together to address some of the major issues with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

FOIA Summit by the Numbers

On October 10 - 11, as hosts of the FOIA Summit, kicked off an effort to create a more vibrant and better coordinated effort to make the FOIA work better for the public. As we noted in our latest newsletter, items on the agenda included creating a vision for the Office of Government Information Services, the FOIA Ombudsman; making more records available without having to file a FOIA request; making sure agencies are not over-applying exemptions; and improving the federal government's record keeping practices. Click "read more" for a snapshot of the Summit.

Featured Work

JOIN US to celebrate National Freedom of Information Day at the Newseum on Friday, March 14. RSVP here.

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