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Clinton White House Records Released, No Assertion of Privilege

On February 28th, the former President’s Library released several thousand pages of records from the Clinton White House. Under the Presidential Records Act, records may be withheld for processing for up to 12 years after a president leaves office.

Administration Issues Updated Guidance for Agency Open Government Plans

On February 28, the Administration issued updated guidance for agencies to use as they develop 2014 open government plans.

Groups Meet with Administration's Open Government Working Group

Last Wednesday more than 20 outside stakeholders joined the regular meeting of the Administration's Open Government Working Group to discuss the new open government plans agencies are expected to create this year.

Bringing a Focus on the Freedom of Information Act

Over the past few months, has been working to bring a renewed focus to how the open government community can work together to address some of the major issues with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Commitment Analysis: Modernizing Records Management

The following was written by Anne Weismann of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and Amy Bennett of

The Administration's latest National Action Plan carries forward its commitment from the first Plan to improve the state of records management across the federal government.  At its core, the new Plan has two goals: (1) improving the management of email, and (2) making it easier for the public to find records.  However laudable these goals, the new commitment offers little promise of reaching them, as it requires agencies to take only small steps, and critically leaves too many things to agency discretion.

House Passes Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014

On January 14th, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the key amendments to the Presidential Records Act and Federal Records Act. The legislation (H.R.

Commitment Analysis: Privacy and Transparency in the National Action Plan

The following was written by Ginger McCall of the Sunlight Foundation

The "privacy" commitments contained in the Obama Administration's Second National Action Plan are sorely lacking. It is impossible to truly address privacy and transparency topics without making reforms to the growing surveillance infrastructure, including the surveillance by the National Security Agency.

5 Big Stories of 2013, and Future Expectations

Issues of government secrecy, openness and accountability grabbed headlines across the country during 2013. There are also some issues that might not have had the same amount of exposure, but experienced major changes or challenges. Here is our take on five big stories from 2013 and our future expectations.

Decision Making, Influence, and the Public’s Right to Know

Lobbying disclosure standards recently released by Access Info Europe and the Sunlight Foundations show how far the US has to go before the public has access to the kinds of information it needs to understand how lobbyists are influencing policy-makers. Access Info Europe’s draft of disclosure standards outlines the information the public needs to get an accurate picture of how outside influence is wielded inside governments. The Sunlight Foundation’s draft of international lobbying disclosure guidelines outlines what constitutes an effective lobbyist registry, what information should be disclosed by lobbyists, what data the public needs, and how this information should be made accessible to the public.   

Commitment Analysis: Obama Makes Commitments to Protect Whistleblowers?

The following analysis is by Angela Canterbury, Director of Public Policy at the Project On Government Oversight

On December 8, the Obama Administration committed to taking steps over the next two years with the stated goal of strengthening and expanding protections for federal whistleblowers in its second National Action Plan (NAP) for the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Commitments include: mandating participation in the Office of Special Counsel’s Whistleblower Certification Program; furthering implementation of the Presidential Policy Directive 19 (PPD-19), which extends protections to whistleblowers with access to classified material; advocating for expansion of whistleblower protections through legislation; and exploring executive authority to extend those protections if Congress does not act.

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JOIN US to celebrate National Freedom of Information Day at the Newseum on Friday, March 14. RSVP here.

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