Welcome to the City of Albuquerque


Information about biking in Albuquerque.

Rules of the Road

  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Before riding out of a driveway into the street, stop. Look left, then right, and then left again for traffic.
  • Ride on the right side of the street, with the flow of traffic.
  • Stop at all stop signs and look left, right, and left again for traffic.
  • Use reflectors and bicycle lights. They are required for night riding.
  • Know the law. Read the Traffic Code pertaining to bicycles.

Children Need Helmets

The Child Helmet Safety Act of 2007 requires helmets for all minors under the age of 18 riding on bicycles, skateboards, scooters, skates, and tricycles.

Bicycling Videos

How to Load Your Bike Onto a Bus

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Bicycle Safety Tips for Adults

Bicycling in Albuquerque is fun!

Esperanza Community Bike Shop

Learn more here!


Bike Trail Map

The City of Albuquerque has more than 400 miles of bike paths and trails with more in the works.

To receive a City of Albuquerque Bike Trail Map, please call (505) 768-2680

More Bike Maps

Bicycling & Mass Transit

Bike Trail Guides

Read about the vast and wonderful trail system in Albuquerque.

View more Trail Guide information.

Bike Safety and Mechanics Classes

The Parks and Recreation Department offers two bicycle safety courses: Bicycle Commuting Essentials and Advanced Bicycle Mechanics.

Learn more about Bicycle Safety Classes.

Bike Safety Newsletter

The Albuquerque Bike Safety Newsletter is a bi-monthly E-newsletter about bike safety This service keeps you informed about bicycling issues and events.

The web service that hosts the bike safety newsletter has changed; please be patient while we restore the link to the new service.

Documents & Government

Bicycling Planning

City Committees

Bike Clubs, Groups & Events

Document Actions