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Welcome to the Office of Internal Audit

Welcome. Our objective is to make the City a better place to live. We do this by ensuring that City government is efficient, effective, and accountable to the citizens. OIA believes that positive change is accomplished by offering City government recommendations to continue to excel and improve.

We strive to improve our skills by being open to ideas and having the attitude that learning is continuous. We invite you to learn about our office and read our reports.

About Us

Audit Organization

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Mission Statement

To provide independent audits to promote transparency, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of City government for the citizens of Albuquerque.


Latest News

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Audit - Telecom Use and Expense

The City of Albuquerque can realize annual cost savings of $273,000, annual cost recoveries of $240,000 and continue the proactive approach to reduce the costs of telecom operations through the implementation of innovative technologies. The City lacks internal controls to ensure the accuracy, efficiency and optimization of telecom services. The overall lack of internal controls is a major factor for the accumulated balance of $1.3 million in the City’s Communication Fund as of June 30, 2013 (unaudited). The fund balance represents the amount departments have been overcharged for communication services.

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Audit - Professional/Technical Contract Development & Approval Process

The Department of Finance and Administrative Services' Purchasing Division can improve upon the valuable services it provides to the City and contractors by acceptance and implementation of the following recommendations: (a) The Purchasing Division should require that City Departments attend contract training more frequently; (b) The Purchasing Division should review its internal control processes and ensure that all staff have a clear understanding; and (c) Employee access to CTS should be revoked following the employee’s change of employment.

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Lawrence Davis promoted to Internal Audit Manager

The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) is pleased to announce that Lawrence Davis, former Principal Auditor, has been promoted to Internal Audit Manager.

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Office of Internal Audit passes External Quality Control Review

Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) issued by the Comptroller General of the United States Government Accountability Office require audit organizations to have an external peer review at least once every three years. The City of Albuquerque Office of Internal Audit (OIA) passed its triennial peer review on October 11, 2013, with the highest possible rating.

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Audit - Park Maintenance

Parks & Recreation Department (PRD) Park Management can improve upon the valuable services it provides to the citizens of Albuquerque. The Department’s recognition that change can only happen through active engagement and participation is a crucial step which will lead to the furthered success of the Department. By accepting and implementing the recommendations listed in the audit report, PRD will position itself toward becoming a proactive, organized, successful division within the City of Albuquerque.

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Audit - Residential Collections

The Solid Waste Management Department has opportunities for improving its system of internal controls. Such controls are vital to ensuring accountability, consistent operations and integrity of information assets. By implementing the recommendations in this report, SWMD can improve its system of internal controls as it continues to improve delivery of premier residential solid waste collections services to the City of Albuquerque.

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Internal Audit Annual Report for FY2013

The Office of Internal Audit's annual report for FY2013 was approved by the Accountability in Government Oversight (AGO) Committee at its August 28, 2013 meeting. The annual report illustrates how OIA achieved it goals in FY2013 and added value to the City through audits and non-audit services. It also provides background on the talented staff and their qualifications to serve the City in this capacity.

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Debra Yoshimura Appointed OIA Director

At its August 19 meeting, the Albuquerque City Council appointed Debra Yoshimura Director of the Office of Internal Audit. Debra was chosen from a pool of three qualified candidates selected by the City's independent Accountability in Government Oversight Committee. Debra recently returned to the Office of Internal Audit as Audit Manager in January 2013. Debra previously served as Director from 1996 through 2004. Congratulations, Debra!

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Audit - Personnel Services

The Classification and Compensation Division (CCD) and The Employment Division (ED) should monitor and improve key processes and actions, and develop key benchmarking metrics. The Human Resources Information System (HRIS) should be more fully utilized to collect, analyze, and track data, and enhance coordination with other City departments to address concerns and minimize inconsistencies.

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Audit - Senior Home Services

The Department of Senior Affairs Home Services Division can improve upon the valuable services it provides to the senior citizens of Albuquerque through improved activity tracking.

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Vendor Audit - Economic Development Department, Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau

The City of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau should work together and improve the successful promotion of Albuquerque as a destination.

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Audit - Take-Home Vehicles

The City should improve the efficiency and oversight of the City’s take-home vehicle practices.

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Audit - Real Property Division

The Real Property Division should continue to refine existing standard operating procedures in order to continue providing quality professional real estate services to the City of Albuquerque.

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Special Audit Report - Health and Social Service Centers

The Department of Family and Community Services should identify internal controls needed to improve processes accountability and transparency pertaining to the operational activities of the department’s Health and Social Service Centers.

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Audit - Disaster Recovery Plan

The Information Technology Services Division should regularly review and update its Disaster Recovery planning documentation to enhance the division’s ability to ensure continuous service of critical IT components.

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