Michelle Obama Videobombs The Miami Heat With A Nerf Dunk

First lady photobomb, y’all. posted on

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Michelle Obama Videobombs The Miami Heat W...
Logan Rhoades

Last week, the Miami Heat visited the White House to celebrate their 2013 NBA Championship.

Ned Dishman / Getty

Along with presenting the president with a personalized “POTUS” jersey, the Miami Heat also had a little fun with the first lady.

Yep, that’s Michelle Obama dunking a Nerf basketball on a backboard held by LeBron James, while Dwyane Wade and Ray Allen pretend to be interviewed by head coach Erik Spoelstra. Let’s take another look at that monster slam.

Sick moves, Michelle. Sick moves. The video is for the first lady’s Let’s Move! campaign, which encourages young kids to stay active while changing the way they think about food and nutrition.

And this is why Michelle Obama is the coolest first lady. Straight up.

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