Catchy Colors

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    Parking garage, Portland, Maine.

    Heinzelmän, Joanna pictures this, Vinc Weiss, Susan Licht et 42 autre(s) personne(s) ont ajouté cette photo dans leurs favoris.

    1. runmomrun66 il y a 2 semaines | réponse

      very catchy indeed! love those doors.

    2. Susan Licht il y a 2 semaines | réponse

      Well spotted, great capture! And that bird is such a nice addition!

    3. meeganz il y a 2 semaines | réponse

      ooh, i like these colors. ahh, maine…such a great state.

    4. le cabri il y a 2 semaines | réponse

      What an awesome shot!

    5. Darcee S. il y a 7 jours | réponse

      This is phenomenal! The composition, the colors of those doors and the sky, the lone 'gull. GORGEOUS!

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