#62 - Le marcheur

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    Hipstamatic BlacKeys B+W Film and Jane Lens

    ftwentytwo, Mark T Simmons, elPio (Luis Escalante), pjjames et 40 autre(s) personne(s) ont ajouté cette photo dans leurs favoris.

    1. Mark T Simmons il y a 10 mois

      A killer shadow and B&W work

    2. d vintage il y a 9 mois

      Cartier-Bresson style... Beautiful!

    3. humblenick il y a 6 jours

      lovely shot and I'm a big fan if hipstamatic but I'm confused why its featured on 'best analogue 2013' set and in the blog when its not analogue!

    4. t_araman il y a 6 jours

      Hi! You're right, I guess it shouldn't be featured on this set. I don't know why they selected it, but I just sent a message to the curator of the Expo to let him know...

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